About Moderation

But no way is he treating UP as his personal property and showing zero respect for other mods and posters.

It’s almost as if he’s being… unreasonable.



We discussed my system privately among the mods when I was first modded, and I think I made it pretty clear that there was no maximum suspension length. At the very least if I wasn’t clear on that, I was clear that I intended suspensions of at least a month. You gave your support.

You then expressed disagreement over one of my bans, and decided you wanted to overrule it over my clear objection. I told you we’re equals and I can’t override you, but I stand by my decision. You decided to overturn it anyway, which is pretty clearly not the way things usually work. I kept my feelings about that in the mods pm thread.

We disagreed on silencing vs. suspension and I compromised with you, but stood by not capping suspension lengths. We continued discussing lengths, and you not only ignored some specific points worthy of discussion brought up by another mod and echoed by me, you decided to take the disagreement on ban-length public and into this thread unilaterally, and did so all of ~3 minutes after telling us you were doing that, while not giving us a chance to weigh in.

You did the same with Jalfrezi’s level on the “schedule” of suspensions and again put our disagreement out there.

As far as I’m concerned you’re the one coming at me/my policy.

I think you’ve been out of line, but as I said before, we’re equals in the power structure here and I’m not going to tell you what to do.


@spidercrab please demod me

good luck all

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Your policy is literally just your feels


Doubling ban lengths indefinitely is some insane shit.


CW you’re not supposed to act on flags that involve you. Last time you said that the issue was an immediate threat to your wellbeing so you had to. I don’t see that this time.

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That’s not the rule.

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right the rule is


Last time I brought this up, CW agreed that it was.

I believe permabans were voted down as a moderation tool. meb tried to angle around that with 10-year bans and now you are trying to angle around it.

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It’s pretty straightforward really

RFC: Mods should not resolve flags against their own posts.
Mods should recuse themselves from taking action on a flagged post when they authored the post.

I don’t see that as relevant. CW is the head mod and he agreed with me last time that mods should defer to other mods when the flag involves them.

Well we all know I’m bad at reading polls but I think you’re wrong here

Maybe there’s a more recent poll than July though.

Letting trolls shit on the carpet over and over is even more insane, yet here we are.


Well the forum threw a fit when I banned cuse for like 14 hours for abusing the post report function so this is all pretty comical to me. Cuse invoked that rule at the time, which was at least as broad an interpretation as cassette’s. But this is all just Judge Dredd shit now so who cares.

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I figure there must have been some rule, given meb going with the 10-year thing instead of perms.