A Call to Ban NotBruceZ for Consistently Endorsing Violence

I’m sure we all say things that cross the line from time to time. If you can’t see how that’s different from NBZ’s body of work, I don’t know what to tell you.


I don’t know, did it get him banned the last time he made almost that exact post… yesterday?

If you’re going to troll me, pay more attention.

This is total bullshit. Show any examples of me disliking NBZ that didn’t pop up with this exact series of confrontations over violent rhetoric. You won’t find it.

And how did I become aware of the series of posts with violent rhetoric? Almost every time a user flagged a post, it was NBZ.

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Thanks @jmakin, turns out NotBruceZ made another post calling for violence that had gone unnoticed… until I went through his posts to find the one I let fly yesterday to respond to your trolling. I started a thread to log key moderator actions, starting with a warning to another user in that thread and a 48 hour suspension for NotBruceZ.

Folks can discuss that here or there.

Could you make your point without the misogyny?

I guess, “My feelings are hurt that your feelings are hurt” doesn’t have the same ring.

You need a life dude. Like for real. Get a grip. Like you literally just trawled his posts looking for a reason to ban him to try to what, make some kind of point? Because you’re pissed off? To “gotcha” me?

You’re fucking unhinged dude and I could not possibly care less if he’s banned. What I do care about are thin skinned, dictatorial mods who seem to want to shape this site in their own image.

I’m really glad my gut instinct was right. The whole “community rules” vibe of the old site was a pure ruse and I knew it the whole time.

As I said, I went through his posts to find the one that I let go yesterday to quote it in response to you claiming I’d ban him for the same thing. In going back through his last day or two of posts, I found the one in question. So it was literally thanks to your trolling that I found it.

Fuck you.

That really comes through in your posting.

Fuck you again.


I’ve asserted myself on one thing: violent rhetoric. I created a landing spot for us, then mostly stepped back and just participated in the process from there.

I’m one of several mods, I don’t own the site, I don’t have access to the funds or a clue where they even are, I make no decisions about running the site outside of the moderating I do, and you’re this triggered over one moderating issue.

Meanwhile, where have you been to be found when people were trying to make rules? When we were looking for mods? In any sort of leadership position at all? Were you on any committees and did you participate? Or are you just here to attack/troll the people who actually stepped up to get shit done? Cause I don’t see you signing up to help make rules.

So good for you man, you’re really doing a great job around here.

You are the one acting unhinged here. Cus has done nothing wrong yet you seem to think he is some kind of dictator. If we all wanted to demod him he would be demoded.


Leaving aside the issue of NBZ’s “body of work” vs. Riverman’s sterling reputation, in my opinion that post does come within 100 miles of warranting mod action (post deletion, warning, etc.).

The latest ban of Nbz is absolutely a joke. If Cuse thinks that warrants a 48hr ban he probably should be demodded.

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If that was a forum wide position he would be demodded. It’s not, so he is not.


He already defied the community once. Will be interesting to see the response to this latest decision. At least he was clever enough not to ask this time.

At minimum it should be hidden like NBZ’s similar post was.

EDIT: Removed the “autistic” part of my post.

Yeah that post was absolutely calling for violence and that’s obvious to anyone not on the spectrum or arguing in bad faith. I don’t get why so many of you are brigading for the only poster who is consistently pushing the boundaries of calling for violence. You’re all just wrong. Stop.

Hey, moron, I was contributing nearly 1/3rd of the monthly bills for this site until your idiot ass stepped in. I also contributed heavily to the early days when you guys were still flailing around. I had to step back because of personal issues. If I contribute to the rules discussion now - what will it matter? You’ve made it clear you’re going to run this site how YOU see fit and interpret the rules how YOU think they should be interpreted, community be damned. You’ve made that entirely clear in this thread. So give me one reason why I should participate.

Get a life. You are absolutely pathetic. I cannot honestly imagine what kind of person you are IRL.

Implying that people are autistic and that’s a bad thing is a real good look.

Lol no. Saying the dude who is publicly advocating civil war should be made to be uncomfortable is not ban worthy at all. I’ve not openly supported nbz that I recall, but cuse jumped over a pretty clear line on multiple occasions with him. First, he blatantly disregarded a public poll and temp banned nbz. Now he is handing out a 48hr ban what is at most an ambiguous post. I have no fucking interest in being part of this nonsense where good posters get temp banned into non-existence. Jmakin was clearly correct to start limiting his connection to this place. I think I’ll be doing the same.

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No it’s implying they have a strictly rules based outlook and can often miss nuance in the process. It’s a good explanation for thinking that post that is clearly calling for violence isn’t. That entire post is dripping with sarcasm, which means that every time he says he’s not calling for violence he’s actually very much calling for violence. That’s exactly the kind of thing someone on the spectrum wouldn’t pick up on.

And by the way, fuck you for your autism dig. That’s an absolute shit move and you should be ashamed.

Except that the post isn’t ambiguous. At all. And he knew he was pushing the lines when he made it, which is super relevant. Intention matters and intentionally fucking with mods has been known to have consequences. To be clear I’d have perma’d him without a huge thread to discuss if it I was the mod, so I guess be glad cuse is being so gentle about it?

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Cool opinion bro. Go make fun of autism some more.