The Presidency of Donald J. Trump v5.0: ORANGE Gettin' PEACHed, Nation Goes PEANUT BUTTER & BANANAS


Yeah that’s a pretty scorching hot take.

I’m not sure I’m communicating what I mean clearly. Not generous in a good way. You could say he compulsively debases himself. He needs to sacrifice his integrity for someone else’s sake.

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Promoting violence, faces melting off

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I truly think this all only stops at the barrel of a gun. Luckily Trump is stupid and has pissed off all the career military people.

general “mad dog” mattis thinks this guy is nuts

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Deficit hawk

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You’re saying he’s a beta male with dependent personality disorder who has latched onto Trump after losing McCain?
( twitter | raw text )

I hope no EMT / emergency medical provider is faced with a Sophie’s choice of two people in need of extreme care and one of them has one of those on them.


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The Koch’s* directly paid cash to Hannity for content they also did this for Rush Limbaugh. Also big longtime supporters of NPR.

*voice to text had that as “coax”


I will not stand for these accusations that Bill Barr is not on the up and up.

Alternate choice for Donald Trump undertitle


Axios as well

It took them a few weeks but they have figured out what the counter programming to impeachment is going to be, the storming the scif stunt is a one day story.

Big boy pants time Nancy. Pull their pay checks, all of them.

they are going to throw anyone who outed all the russia shit in jail aren’t they and dems will

write even stronger sternly worded letters

The counter programming is going to be the NYT story linked above. They have nothing else. Oh, this is probably what you meant.
