Wrestlemania XLIII: Trump, or Bloomberg? GO!

The majority of them got an overwhelmed public defender who browbeat those kids into taking a plea.


I “borrowed” it from my brother the lawyer.

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“I donated more to raices than you” is just this weeks “I’m the farthest leftist on this forum”.

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Vote for Bloomberg, he will give the kids in cages due process

If we had mandatory voting you said you would if Bloomer was the nominee.

Obama started the cages and though his policy wasn’t as expressly in humane, it was in humane and set the stage for today.

We’ve got morons itt claiming that any generic D candidate would just end everything.



Actually, I don’t think Bloomberg per se cares about the kids/adults being held - but I’d guess he just thinks it’s the most brain-dead inefficient money wasting strategy for dealing with the problem, which is why I’d guess he’ll dump it. Added points because he’d change it just because the orange idiot made it one of his tent-pole ideas, and he’d enjoying fucking with Donnie. Now, what he’ll replace it with I have no idea.


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A couple people came pretty close, let’s see who… Oh, it was you.

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We don’t have mandatory voting.

Like if one of you guys is planning on following me into the voting booth with a gun please let me know ahead of time. I stand by what I said 100%.

This type of semantics is a waste of everybody’s time.

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I don’t know how you could argue that I’m the one semantikesing. My position is perfectly clear.

What’s worse when aimed at your temple, an m16 or an ak47?

Big thumbs up for the extraction and apologies for contributing to the derail.

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It would be very badass and eastern euro to pick one in that spot :) personally it’s not a choice I’m prepared to make. And fortunately none of us have to.

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Approve of splitting the thread. Don’t understand “Wrestlemania XLIII”.

I knew i wasn’t fucking imagining things.

sam donaldson?


Now you’re retconning. There will be no gun to his head.

Again with something shallow but important, I just turned a Bloomberg commercial on the radio for the first time and oh my God that voice. He would have literally no chance against Trump. Sub 1% at best.