Wrestlemania XLIII: Trump, or Bloomberg? GO!

Exactly. The Democratic Party loyalists just cannot hear criticism of their party without this massive whataboutism.

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This entire derail started because of that twitter post of the person who said they would not vote at all. Then at least one person said Trump > Bloomberg fwhich is reductio ad absurdum.


Quote any post where someone says theyā€™ll be voting for Trump.

Maybe nobody said theyā€™d vote for trump, but at least one and i think several said Trump > Bloomberg.

Stop and frisk is such an obviously authoritarian unconstitutional anti-American practice the only explanation for Americans not going bat shit about it was that they donā€™t really consider Black people to be full citizens.



Fuck stop and frisk/search

Iā€™ve lived in a stop and frisk city and also been a target because I was 18 and from the wrong ā€œareasā€ lol get fucked jman

18 Green bottles lined up against the wall, Opps did you fall, let me help you a little Oh your bleeding, that means your in the vanā€¦ Fuck yā€™all. Bastards.

" But Officer" ā€œI have rightsā€ You have the right to shut the fuck up or face the consequences" was said by many.

The galaxy brain take is trump > bloomberg because heā€™s way more likely to die in ~3 months of hamburger related causes.


Jman isnā€™t arguing stop and frisk is good. Heā€™s just saying comparing it to child separations is bad.

Both are super horrible, but I can see the argument that child separations are worse. but I think the argument is both are completely unacceptable and if itā€™s a choice between those two WAAF anyways.

Fortunately thatā€™s not a choice we have to make

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Yeah people on this forum like to argue over the dumbest shit :joy:

Itā€™s also fainting couches and bad faith. The people who hate stop and frisk hate child separation MORE than the Bloomberg defenders here.


Jamn is in this tread gaslight ing and deserved his post to be reported since he reporting the exact same posts.

I donā€™t play those but itā€™s worse over there gamesā€¦

My rants over for today.

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Get the fuck out of here with that bullshit. How much money did you donate to Raices last year?

More as a percentage of my net worth than you counsellor.

You donā€™t think Democrats have separated children before? Whatā€™s your plan with ICE and CBP? How many times have you protested at an ICE detention center?

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Post edited by meā€¦

Iā€™m outā€¦ To raging

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Bloomberg has donated more to races than anyone. He cares the most.


Iā€™m taking it from well off old white men and giving it to Bernie so I think thats pretty good :)