Wrestlemania XLIII: Trump, or Bloomberg? GO!

Don’t worry you can recover from my internet attacks by going to a therapist free of charge with UHC provided by Bernie.


The nom isn’t going to be Mini Mike. Let’s all settle the fuck down.

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Why does no one talk about the attacks on Bernie bros? Ya’ll ever considering you’re making it more likely for Bernie supporters to stay home or vote for Trump if he loses because you constantly attack his supporters online?

Wheres the unity? Practice what you guys preach imo, you aren’t helping the unity cause by answering attacks with attacks.

I mean a huge portion of Sanders supporters not wanting to vote for DemE is due to the hostility from the MSM/Establishment. Pretty sure a large portion of Bernie supporters would be much more likely to vote for establishment figures if he was getting a fair shake. Be made at them, not Bernie supporters who feel like they gotta fight fucking everyone.


Yeah I highly doubt his polling will translate to actual votes. He has zero charisma and is gonna get crushed once he personally has to face the people.

Basically just people who don’t follow politics seeing all his commercials, that will change once he gets more of the spotlight.

It is also a function of all the other people in the moderate lane being terrible. Once they realize Bloomberg sucks also they won’t vote for him either.

Or not. Nobody knows who voters will cling to.

They’re rushing to fucking Klob lol.

Are you saying that if Sanders becomes the nominee then a) the company lines for the NYT, WaPo, CNN, MSNBC, the TV networks etc. will be to rally behind Sanders and b) to disallow dissenting/critical voices? I don’t see that happening but I hope we will have a chance to find out.

Midwestern dorks are, her national polling is still like 3% I think? And she’s infinitely better than bloomberg.

As long as there aren’t more than 4 or 5 Bernie supporters tweeting mean things about Pete or Liz who Chuck Todd can call Brownshirts we should be ok.


I think the lines will mostly be to preach unity because the majority of their audience wants to beat Trump. I think if one goes super negative of Bernie they will lose a ton of their audience.

And yeah I think if one of their members tries to go super negative on Bernie in the general and the paper/network think it’ll lose them eyeballs they will spike it.

At the end of the day these things function to create money for their investors/owners like the good lil capitalists they are and they will function for what is in their own self interest. I think what the country will want is unity because of how shit Trump is.

I think right now their older viewers don’t want Bernie to be president so attacking him constantly is what their viewers want, but when he is the only choice to be Trump that changes.

To be clear I think there will be some negative attacks on Bernie, but the overwhelming majority will be unity and beating Trump. So overall positive for Bernie.

Slink. I revise my assessment to career minor league troll


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Like, stop and frisk is/was bad, but holy shit at the false equivalence of 18-24 year olds behind bars charged with a crime and toddlers being ripped from their fucking mothers and put into cages. Jesus Christ.

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Like, for context, the stopped and frisked got due process and a lawyer and a chance. These fucking kids who don’t speak English don’t even have a god damned lawyer. Have you read the stories of what’s going on? It’s unbelievable.

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The rampant minimization of 2 million people in prison and millions of lives thwarted by things like being expelled, going to juvey, getting a record and then getting harsher sentences and also the minimization of the horrors of our war and sanction policy that takes place among Democratic Party loyalists is…entirely predictable.

And holy shit at police just stopping and frisking people. That is serious NAZI show me your papers shit.


No, the “fuck bloomberg I’m going to vote for Trump if bloomberg is the nominee” is fucking unbelievable.

Also anyone who thinks Trump doesn’t use his second term to do even more terrible and horrible shit than the first term isn’t paying attention.

Democrats, or any second worst party, will always be shit because of this.

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Quote the post where I said I would vote for Bloomberg over Trump or fuck off. The entire post.


Literally nobody has said that.

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