Wrestlemania XLIII: Trump, or Bloomberg? GO!

Did anyone at all say they’d vote for Trump?

Micro…read this post. Try to keep up.

Crunchy said he would. Vict0ar wished he could summon the courage.




Maybe I have Trump Derangement Syndrome idk

That was a mistake. I’ll concede that.

I also think comparing Trump to Bloomberg AS A RACIST is not credible at all.

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gaslightin em ohhhhh

undertitle imo

First Warren, then Buttigieg, now Bloomberg. Jesus Christ Bernie Bros just support your candidate and gtfo with the Trump>Bloomberg bullshit.

Or maybe the Russian trolls have just found this forum.

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That’s not what he said. What he really said was he won’t vote for either. The difference between reading and comprehension.

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Maybe stop supporting racist candidates

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Democrats nominating an oligarch at this point would be ______

Ironic? Predictable?

I will be voting for Bernie in the primary unless Warren is still viable when they get to Ohio, which looks very unlikely.

But you prove my point. And the Bernie Bros wonder why Bernie is having trouble getting the second choice votes.

Quote the whole post boss. You suck at this.

The Bernie Sanderistas are doing just fine winning all the primaries

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I mean as a former Warren supporter she already isn’t viable now outside of a ratfucking at the convention which I hope you wouldn’t want?

She really has no path to getting the most delegates anymore. Shes polling single digits in a ton of places now.

That said I do tell my fellow Bernie supporters to chill on the attacks because people are dumb and petty and absolutely won’t vote for Bernie cuz they had their feelings hurt online.


It’s ridiculous don’t say mean things about my candidate in a competition because my feelings will be hurt so I’ll be forced to vote for someone worse.

Grow the fuck up.


A conspiracy? No. George Will, David Frum and Chris Matthews do not meet to plan over cigars and cognac how to take down Sanders. They will get there independently for their own reasons (with some minor feedback loop and cross contamination).
There will be enough people with a megaphone who will criticize him and those without megaphones will be gladly handed one. Some for ideological reasons who disdain socialism even in the mild Scandinavian variety, some who dislike or see him as a threat to the (Democratic) establishment, others because they have a good thing going and don’t want anyone to rock the boat.

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Nobody argues that, of course it is. It’s pathetic. But that’s how people work.

It’s reality.

There’s definitely a contingent of Sanders supporters that are hurting his cause. You appear to be one of them.

I believe we already had the discussion and its pretty clear you don’t have to have a cartoon level imagery of people meeting in a smokey filled room to have a conspiracy.

Also I’m pretty sure these people don’t just get to say whatever they want on TV or write whatever they want on NYT as their personal opinions. That shit has to go through editors, producers, and be generally in line with the thinking of the company.

So these people negatively attacking Bernie as the nominee will be something that the companies approve of in hopes that he loses to Trump.

I agree. It would take something very unusual for me to vote Warren, but she is my number one choice.

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