Wrestlemania XLIII: Trump, or Bloomberg? GO!

I think the height thing would matter if he was some random governor or congress loser.

Not sure it matters since he’s worth 60billy.

Yeah it’s all academic. In the unlikely event he can successfully rat fuck he’d be absolutely rolled in the general. Imagine voting for him though, my god.

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Name them

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Sorry. It’s also gonna be hard for Bernie to overcome the bald problem. Sorry.

I didn’t make the rules and don’t blame the messenger though. Also, I’m very uncomfortable on plane flights (who am I kidding, I mean bus rides) and won’t live as long.

You give the American electorate more credit than I do. They’re going to hear herp derp socialist socialism bad for months and be convinced that’s what Bernie is. Nuance is not the American voters strong suit

And combine this with a similar message coming from people on the “left,” it not a good place to be

I would not word this nearly this way. I don’t know the numbers but a huge portion of people stopped and frisked were innocent, and way too many were high school kids.

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Do the Trump ≥ Bloomberg people ITT think that it was good that Trump beat Hillary in 2016?

Because you’re not a racist.

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Hillary >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>… Bloomberg

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I’m not saying Trump is better than Bloomberg, but Bloomberg is legit start the revolution or flee the country bad.


I mean bernie polls better against Trump than any other candidate though.

Nobody but Trump supporters are gonna listen to Fox/Trump wail about socialism. And I agree with the take that Trump is so uniquely awful that everyone will unify around whoever is the dem nominee save a small percentage of bernie supporters or maybe a large percentage if they rat fuck him.

If the MSM still goes hard after Bernie and calls him a socialist constantly after he is the nominee then yeah maybe WAAF, but I don’t think that’ll be the case. I think they’d lose a lot of viewership if the left leaning people saw them tearing down the only chance to stop Trump.


Nobody has said they will vote Trump over Mini Mike that is ban worthy imo


It won’t be just Fox and Trump. It will be NYT op-ed writers, it will be Chris fucking Matthews, it will be a bunch of random people wailing.

After Bernie is the nominee? I doubt it. I guess we will see though. Most people who watch the MSM or read the NYT hates Trump way more than they fear Bernie. I think if after Bernie is the nominee if they still go super negative they will risk losing a lot of readers who will want unity.

People are dumb but they know we gotta beat Trump.

They’re doing it now because they don’t want him to be the nominee, and yeah they’re trying really hard to stop that from happening, but once he’s the nominee there will be op-eds about unity and how Trump is way worse than Bernie.

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That’s only a bad thing in Venezuela


Also I feel like this position makes it clear you think there is a legit conspiracy that the establishment and media is out to stop Bernie and would prefer Trump to Bernie.

Which I think I’ve seen you argue against.

If I’m wrong on that I apologize.

That’s fair. But those that were stopped and frisked and innocent weren’t subsequently caged. It was terrible, racist, and intrusive. It was like a lot of aspects of modern society. To say it was anything close to egregious as family separation is to compare FDR to Hitler.

As it is you already occasionally see the “liberal” pundit class sometimes half-way supporting Trump (like the $4.5B to “deal with the crisis at the border”). If Bernie is the nominee, maybe Trump gets more of that treatment? Maybe.

Bernie will need to bring in people outside off the retirement communities and the Acela Corridor, but that’s what he’s gonna do! We hope.


The discussion is literally an extension of multiple people saying they’d support Trump over Bloomberg.