Wrestlemania XLIII: Trump, or Bloomberg? GO!

This is a terrible take in a country with more people in prison per capita than all but maybe North Korea.


Head exolode


Racist much?


No it isnā€™t because a second Trump presidency comes in all likelihood with a GOP House and Senate.

Bloomberg doesnā€™t have the personality cult that Trump has and will face backlash if he goes all Trumpy as a result. If Bloomberg shoots somebody on 5th Avenue now, heā€™s out of the race. If Trump does it, itā€™s cool to his supporters.

You donā€™t read well.

The point is comparing kids in cages to men in cages should be manifestly obviously wrong.

Now Iā€™m just upset with myself for getting triggered by such a league average troll lmao

You also suffer from a reading problem.

Both are obviously bad and wrong. This is why I support Bernie. He has no such stains on his track record.

People comparing Bloomberg to Trump are just insane.

Both can be true.

Right, I love how black kids are suddenly adults according to @anachronistic.

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Vote for Trump troll.

Calls me troll.


Bloomberg will be hailed as a bipartisan hero. He will be Reagan. There will be no opposition. There will no longer be any need for kayfabe. There will be no more middle man.

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Lol you guys suck at context. The policy is AWFUL.

Still waiting for toddlers stop and friskā€™d.

Still waiting for a non-idiot to argue well for Trump over ANYONE.

Those kids were knowingly breaking the law, so should be ok by your logic, no?

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lol nope

youā€™re so close

Bloomberg will not get the nom and if he does will not win. Iā€™m just here for the point that Dems suck and are the same as Republicans. If Trump were a Dem, and he could well have been one, and Bloomberg were a Republican, and he could well have been one, you Bloomberg-is-not-that-bad-people would be saying how desperately important it was to vote Trump.


I mean heā€™s definitely the worst of the Democratic candidates. But saying heā€™ll be worse than Trump is stretching it.

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You keep saying this.

Trump is President. You shouldnā€™t be so confident.

Bloomberg has a chance to be President. Maybe 10%. Itā€™s dumb to dismiss this out of hand.

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Iā€™m here for I support the guy thatā€™s against the Hannity Candidate push comes to shove.

lol wat


I stand by this shallow analysis because many voters are shallow: a man who is 5ā€™5" has virtually no chance.


Still waiting to hear what law they knowingly broke that they were put into jail for (only to be released in a week lol?). It sounded like you were making the same assumption as Bloomberg, that theyā€™re all born criminals.