Wrestlemania XLIII: Trump, or Bloomberg? GO!

In the context of American presidential politics it means no cruelty for the sake of cruelty. A lot of the country believes perma-war in the Middle East is necessary for our safety and we only kill bad guys. I’m not saying that’s accurate (proper course of action imo is probably to scale back our perma war 80-95% and make our actions very targeted and prioritize precision and decide that ~0 civillian deaths are acceptable).

But since precisely one presidential candidate, probably 1 US Senator and ~10 US Representatives feel that way, in our context that’s an inhumanity by our government that only improves under Bernie, and even then probably way more slowly than some here would like.

So what I mean is stuff Trump is doing for cruelty’s sake or for racism, that ends (or scales down 95%) under every Dem candidate.

Clinton put RBG and Breyer on afaik?

Please proceed, govnuh.

He’ll die in the middle of his 3rd term anyway.

ie he won’t tweet about it


I know, I’m counting on him caring about his legacy. Look, my point isn’t that El Bloombito es bueno. We should be on full alert under a Bloomberg administration, there would be many threats.

But he’s nowhere near Trump level evil.

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Cuse has a point about Trump’s cult following though. It might be hard for Bloomberg to achieve all his evil plans without a cult like Trump has. And he won’t have that cult.

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More white liberal nonsense to think TrumpJustTweets.

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I agree with that, I just don’t think he’s only in it to deny Bernie and help someone else. I think that’s secondary to the dude worth 60 billy being enough of a narcissist or sociopath or whatever to realllllly want to be POTUS.

Let’s be clear: everyone running for fucking President of the US is clinically narcissistic and mentally ill to some degree. The narcissism critique is laughable.

Show your work

I didn’t say that’s his reasoning, maybe it is and maybe it isn’t, but sounds right doesn’t it?

Seems like if you’re betting on PI, go big on Bernie doesn’t get the nom.





Trump physically put kids in cages now?

Liberalism is a disease lmao

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How many kids (maybe they were 18-24 or something) ended up in cages in NYC because of stop and frisk?


There are a few things here that are different.

  1. Wars
  2. Immigrant detention
  3. Family separation
  4. Child immigrant detention
  5. Rate of deportations

All candidates on the Dem side drastically reduce 3 and 4 to at least Obama levels. That makes them all way better than Trump. Some help more with 2 and 5, Bernie helps with 1 as well.

But just drastically reducing 3 and 4 is enough morally that this is not a close decision. And even if you think Pete is an evil ghoul (I disagree), he cares enough about his legacy and reputation to address 3 and 4. Plus it’s good politics. Its easy to do on day 1, the media coverage will be great, it’s a political win.


This guy’s policy was to fucking have the police just stop and frisk people. Seriously? How much more totalitarian can you get?


No he also didn’t physically say



  1. That was more morally acceptable by the public at the time than ripping screaming toddlers away from crying mothers at the border is now. IMO if a Dem winner doesn’t address this there will be mass left wing protests because we (correctly) know that Trump will ignore them but a Dem POTUS cannot. Thus, it gets addressed.

  2. Fortunately at least our party knows stop and frisk was terrible now.

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Lol at micro equating toddlers ripped crying from their mothers and caged for fucking months with adult men being treated inappropriately by cops and put in jail for a week for knowingly breaking the law.

adult men being treated inappropriately by cops and put in jail for a week for knowingly breaking the law.

Imagine being this privileged