Wrestlemania XLIII: Trump, or Bloomberg? GO!

He’s literally a Republican like Liz Warren is literally a Republican.

I feel like you haven’t taken even a cursory glance at his record if you believe this. Also he has 60 billion dollars

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How do you figure? You think he’s just trying to buy enough delegates to force a contested convention and throw his support behind one?

You can’t be serious

If he makes life horrible for everyone but billionaires and “liberal” white elites, his legacy among them will be just fine.

Would he end that? Unlike Trump, he actually believes brown immigrants are all subhuman criminals and rapists.

And countless terrible things that I’d snap-trade those token measures for.

At least, those are my impressions of him so far. I hope it doesn’t come to the point where I actually have to research who is the lesser evil (and which countries to consider moving to).

What does humane mean here? He is still basically stanning the Iraq War. (Doesn’t regret supporting it). Would killing millions of people and creating tens of millions of refugees be inhumane? Is that something Bloomberg might do?

Friendly reminder that 2 of the liberal justices on the Supreme Court were born in the 1930s.


Well Trump is uniquely dictatorial, authoritarian, and has a cult of personality. The reason a second term means one-party rule isn’t just that 8 years of GOP rule is the end, it’s that I believe he will abuse the power of the office to keep himself or his kids in power indefinitely. He’ll weaponize the DOJ, ICE and Border Patrol, etc politically and the assault on voting rights will be cranked up to 11. Throw in some extensive foreign interference and you’ve got too much to overcome.

Bloomberg may want to consolidate power and may put bad policies in place, but I believe he’ll feel enough shame and/or care enough about having a respected legacy that he will tone things down enough that we have a democracy functioning at least as well as it was pre-Trump - which is to say poorly, but fair enough that we can overcome it.


Friendly reminder we’ve already lost the supreme Court and have no hope of appointing a justice without controlling the presidency and the senate

Show your work

100%. Like, you can hit back on me with the “But Obama did it too, so they all will.” And technically you’re right, but Obama tried to avoid it at all costs and it happened rarely and might have happened even less with more attention. Trump does it as a deterrent policy because he is evil. All the Dem candidates will get it AT LEAST back to Obama levels, if not even lower.

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I’m sure Bloomberg would put the best people into the SC

Basically, but as I understand it “his support” doesn’t technically matter at that point. There will be x number of pledged delegates at the convention who have a preference for Bloomberg. I submit that those people will never vote for Bernie in the second round.

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The only argument I need is

Hannity prefers Trump to Bloomberg.

And ya’ll lose.

Trump a bigger favorite to put better people there IYO?

I don’t think one racist sexual predator Republican is likely to put better/worse people in there than another.

Of course he won’t. But they will be better than Neil Gorsuch and Rapey McDrunkface.


Bloomberg got term limits removed in NYC so he could do a third term there. I’m not so sure he respects the traditional passing of the torch either.

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The guy who has 64 women coming forward about him is gonna object to Rapey McDrunkface?

Any republican would have nominated the heritage foundation guys. Bloomberg is a republican.