Wrestlemania XLIII: Trump, or Bloomberg? GO!

I am shocked at these takes

I am shocked youā€™re reading his posts

Iā€™m not a fan of Bloomberg at all, especially the notion that the Presidency is an oligarchy and his all-too-recent racist policies as Mayor, but his policy agenda for President seems like standard center left fare.

I have family and friends that live in fear of being deported every day under Trump. Bloombergā€™s immigration policies appear much more palatable.

Voting Trump over Bloomberg is the sort of wormbrained theory that Yang supporters would ascribe to. Stick it to the man; fuck the people that actually would suffer.

Trump tho.

He will unify all but the most wormbrained. Vict0ar isnā€™t that far gone.

Voting for Bloomberg is the sort of wormbrained theory that white liberals would ascribe to. Trump is rude; fuck the people that would actually suffer under a competent authoritarian.

Idk, if jman says something mean I might have no choice!

I dgaf enough to die on Bloom Hill, so Iā€™ll just conclude with a YSCKY for anyone thinking of voting Trump, and its peak white liberal to think Trump has been incompetent to the point of not being able to ruin lives.

I mean Bernie isnā€™t an actual socialist though so this seems kinda pointless? Pretty sure lots of people realize he doesnā€™t want to completely abolish capitalism, just have a much better walfare state.

Not to mention Bloomberg would have a broad coalition to pass any awful thing he wanted to, regardless of who controlled the house and Senate. There would be so much bipartisanship!

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Bloomberg is horrible and Trump would crush him. Whatever, he wonā€™t win the nomination. Heā€™s just locking it up for Pete or Amy or HRC.

Whom amongst us can forget the disastrous anti-black crime policies implemented by Trump that put thousands of innocent black men in jail?

Going to be incredible when Trump runs to Bloombergs left on crime and lib heads explode


What on earth is going on in this thread?

Bloomberg is MUCH better than Trump. Yeah, he sucks and is easily the worst person running for the Democratic nomination (no small feat considering the cast of characters that are still in the race).

But FFS, Trump is the worst person in America to be president. A binary choice between Bloomberg and Trump is not a difficult one.

I just really hope it doesnā€™t come down to that.


He would run to his left on healthcare too.

Letā€™s hope it doesnā€™t come to this, but Bloomberg is the lesser of two evils because heā€™s more likely to care about his legacy among elites and liberals, thus he can be shamed into being humane. To me the first step is ending family separation and getting kids out of cages. We can likely do that with Bloomberg.

His administration is one where maybe liberals could get one or two good things done (perhaps some light democracy reform, ACA band aid, maybe background checks or something). Him being viewed as a moderate does perhaps help you get some milquetoast improvements, or allow him to apply unique pressure to the GOP on democracy reform.

So what Iā€™m saying is, if liberals organize well and play elite defense during a Bloomberg presidency, we might get out of it with a still functional democracy and no worse human rights violations than Obama, Bush, Clinton, etc. Thatā€™s better than Trump.

All that said, obviously just beat the Republican in the Democratic primary. You think the GOP would ever fuck around and nominate a moderate Dem like Doug Jones or Chris Coons? LolDems forever and ever.

Lol at anyone carrying water for Trump.

Yes, his, checks notes, sub-10% approval in the black community indicates heā€™s been their champion.

Yea. There are two separate questions here: would Bloomberg be a better president than Trump, and would the US be better off in the long-run with Bloomberg over Trump in 2020.

The second question might be closer, but holy fuck the first question is slam dunk Bloomberg. That is NOT a Bloomberg compliment. I think yall just forget how absolutely terrible Trump is.


I want to be clear here on which Democratic candidates would be worse than Trump, so I put together a list of all of the ones who would continue family separation and put kids in cages. Here it is:

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Bloomberg is the 2nd betting fav for the nomination right now. Itā€™s time to at least plan for a country heā€™s in charge of. Or we can just Liz Holmes our way into Bernie and fuck back up plans.

I know you have expressed before that a second Trump term means one party rule. Bloomberg is literally a Republican, so how is that any different?


Vict0ar is just having a laugh, mate.

Crunchy, who knows. Might legit support Trump over a generic D. Piece of shit viewpoint but at least itā€™s popular!