Democratic Primaries 2020 - Was it over when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor?

I can’t



Pete is so repulsive. I’m sure his campaign thinks that is a sick zinger but it just makes him look like an idiot that doesn’t understand the actual problem.

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  1. No I don’t trust the American public
  2. That’s not the question you stupid fuck

I do. Why don’t you?


Cliffs on the culinary workers union thing?

The bosses for the union said M4A would be bad for union members. Lots of their members told them to fuck off and they backed off the negative Bernie stuff and decided to not endorse a candidate this year.

They are equivalent to your recent health care derail without the face turn at the end.

From what I can tell it’s a mini-revolt from the rank and file - The Culinary union is easily the biggest union in Nevada (60,000 or so members) and not surprisingly the suits are against Bernie because one of their primary reasons for justifying their existence is pointing at the rank and file having pretty good health insurance benefits. I was actually surprised they just declined to endorse a Dem at all - they obviously didn’t Pete was going to carry the flag. (slow pony, too)


They didn’t endorse in Hillary v Bernie either.

I bet if they voted on who to endorse Bernie would absolutely crush.

It’s astounding how each successive moderate candidate pushed by the elites, dem establishment and media has been more grotesque than the last. I’m morbidly curious who they’ll go with when Bloomberg flames out. I want to see how horrific it can get.

Well Trump is awful but the market has been doing really well under him do we really want a socialist ruining that…


I really hope we can get realistic computer simulations that can predict the future based off choices so people can see how fucking unbelievably stupid they are.

Well not that they’d believe it those dumb fucks. Maybe have 20 years of the computer always being right… nope still wouldn’t believe it lmao.

Fucking people man.


Anyone else having a problem with none of the videos on this site having audio? None of the tweets or youtubes have audio for me and I have to go off site to hear them.

Videos on other sites play just fine with audio, so its just this site.

Who is one of the programmers I can tag about this?

I have audio on that youtube.

I just wanna give Jman props for hanging around after all the dunking thats been going on, most people would have raged quit lol. And being open minded enough to possibly change is views.

At least the isn’t saying he won’t vote Bernie because people are mean, he’s still a good egg imo.



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Sure. I don’t dislike jman a bit. If I hated him, if have to hate almost everyone.


Yeah… I’ll appoligies for my outburst… S/F or search is personal to me.

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