Democratic Primaries 2020 - Was it over when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor?

Might as well throw in a dragon and a pony.

Ooh, can I also get the Bengals winning the Super Bowl?

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Don’t be ridiculous

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God damnit.

I mean there are definitely some yang to bernie supporters from what I’ve seen on the Yang subreddit. That ones still voting Yang were probably Trump supporters so I’d way, way rather have them vote Yang than go back to Trump

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lol. Border Patrol ain’t gonna do shit if Liberal Mitch McConnell stonewalls every bill that finds them. Plus who knows what the SCOTUS looks like if every Republican puck gets blocked, maybe they find CBP unconstitutional.

I think Klob would be a decent choice for a few reasons. She is a centrist and woman, demographics Bernie sorely needs to be enthusiastic because there is a lot of negative press on his focused at these demographics. Also Klob is effective at attacks particularly against Trump and this is the main role of the VP during the election, to make attacks that come off as too direct when said by the actual candidate themselves. It will signal to the establishment that while a lot will change, Bernie is not looking to throw out the baby with the bathwater and perhaps satiate these types out of rebellion mode, which is quite possible if he picks Tlaib or similar. I think he’s also a lot more likely to make peace and pick Warren then most would think.

He absolutely cannot pick a white male so I’m not sure why anyone would think this is a good idea. The optics are just terrible. It’s not going to happen, its 2020, no way.

Border Patrol doesn’t need Congress to become storm troopers. And if the Dems get the majority in the Senate the “liberal” McConnell sure as shit isn’t going to defund the Border Patrol or ICE.

Unless Congress has a big enough majority to override vetoes and remove the POTUS their power is paltry compared to the power of the POTUS. They can obstruct laws and judicial appointments, but they can’t affirmitavely do much at all. POTUS commands the government (federal cops and the military along with everything else that’s discretionary and it’s a lot)

Interesting graphic of the remaining field.


I feel like the end of this quote is why he won’t pick her - I don’t think she’s got similar views/positions to him, and she hasn’t held high enough office.

I feel very confident that he’ll pick an ideological match who has relevant experience, and everything else will be secondary. This is why I think it’s Liz.

Bernie knows he is old and might not live out his first term. And he’s an ideologue. I think his inclination will be to pick someone who he is compatible with, someone who can finish what he is hoping to start if he can’t make it, not someone who will balance the ticket, especially not someone who makes it look like he is compromising his values in the name of political expediency.

I would not be shocked if his choice of a running mate is someone who endorsed him while the nomination was still in doubt and who has won a statewide or Congressional election. Given those parameters, who do you like?

That’s Nina Turner. Last I checked she was leading PI. I’m not sure picking someone farther left is Bernie’s best bet and somehow I think all the Hillary/Warren/eventual Klob voters- and there are a disturbing number of these at least on Twitter- will not credit Nina Turner’s ideological vagina.

[quote=“microbet, post:4227, topic:860, full:true”]Unless Congress has a big enough majority to override vetoes and remove the POTUS their power is paltry compared to the power of the POTUS.

Man, come on, you’ve lived through the Obama years. Cocaine Mitch gets shit done no matter what. Ooh, awesome power of the POTUS, how is Merrick Garland doing these days?

She hasn’t won an election at the levels I suggested as a threshold. I might consider Bill de Blasio’s mayoralty to be the equivalent.

All I know is I’d pay huge sums of money to see Nina Turner debate Mike Pence.

I suspect that Bill de Blasio supporting Bernie this early is a quid pro quo for being his running mate.

Not sure if we’ve discussed the strong ties between Abrams and Bloomberg.

Don’t want her near anything, ever.


I like Turner a lot but she got dumpstered in her only statewide Ohio race. Still a possibility but picking his own campaign co-chair seems kinda weird.

Nina Turner sounds great every time I’ve heard her in interviews, but she was a state senator for 6 years. That’s it. Ideology aside, that’s a sub-Palin resume.

Julian Castro seems like a viable option for Bernie but he doesn’t fit any of the parameters of NBZs question