Democratic Primaries 2020 - Was it over when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor?

Warren, Castro, even Booker could be a really good VP choice for Bernie.

Absolute pro fancy play move is to pick Biden and then after the election wait for him to have a stroke and sub in Rashida.

Really think Bernie should pick a woman.

Bernie definitely needs to pick a woman. Minority is bonus points. He’s a crusty old white guy.

VP doesn’t matter. At all.


Depends entirely on the margin of the Senate.

If it’s controlled by the Democrats only based on how Joe Manchin is feeling today, then snap give me the presidency.

If it’s a something like 64-36, that’s a tougher call.


By God, just give us a Senate with the liberal equivalent of Mitch McConnell and this country will be hard socialist in a decade.


Two words, executive orders.

The VP thing makes me realize how the Dem bench is so thin. I guess 40 years of neo-liberalism results in that.


The farm team is looking incredible though. Progressive super soldiers are being churned out with Germanic efficiency rn, we just don’t know very many of their names yet.

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All because Bernie’s 2016 campaign lit that spark. I guess the only downside if he pulls this off and transforms the Dem party and our country is that we would have less to bitch about on this forum.

Palin tho

Yep. Even if he doesn’t make it to the promised land himself he’s our progressive Moses


I dunno how you can choose house and Senate. We still won’t have enough to impeach him and he can still do incredible damage just as president without the Senate.

“House and Senate” over “House and Presidency” is essentially insane.

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You guys aren’t thinking about how insane it would make Trump. But after more thought it’s gotta be house + pres. The president just has way too much power.

In the other thread someone just posted a link about how the border patrol is deploying stormtrooper units to sanctuary cities. Not picking the Presidency in that poll is terrible.

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This may be the dumbest anti Bernie point of them all, so of course it’s all over twitter and leaked into here

That is such a bullshit story. First, Trump says to his audience that he has no idea who the weakest candidate is. But then this gem from the CNN writer:

The strategy is a serious obstacle for Joe Biden

lol. That’s the obstacle for Joe Biden. Propaganda.

You mean we just don’t know how many will survive the purge.

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Only taking senate and house if I get enough senators to impeach

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