Democratic Primaries 2020 - Was it over when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor?

Dems thought Trump would be an easy win too. Be careful what you wish for.

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Rashida Tlaib>>>>>>

Hear me out: this is a complete mismatch policy-wise, but as we all know, policy doesn’t matter that much to average voters.

What about Bernie-Klob.

The ticket doubles up on Midwest cred, Bernie with the people and Klob with whatever she emphasizes. She’s younger, she’s female. Ignore the fact that she disagrees with some of Bernie’s signature positions–would she take a VP role? Probably. Would it be worth putting her senate spot up for grabs? Probably.

Bernie needs large African-American turnout to win. Stacy Abrahms is awesome and helps motivate that base. Also Bernie is old and legit could die in office, especially if he gets a second term. VP is more important for a candidate like him than for, say, a Pete Buttigieg aged president. As Bernie’s VP there’s a nonzero chance you’re going to end up sliding into the presidency.


Rashida Tlaib is way more divisive than Stacy Abrahms.

Klob has gone pretty hard in the paint on being the lady that can get things done and not same pie in the sky idealist. Feels like she would undermine Bernie in tone and probably substance.

Also the MN senate seat is way more valuable than the MA seat.

Thoughts on Patty Murray as a possible Veep for Bernie?

Just at a glance seems like a decent fit.

Bernie’s VP should absolutely be someone that you’re okay with being president. He’s old.

Eh yea that nixes my Klob idea

Even without being old you’d want a VP that could be president. It’s one of the most dangerous jobs in the world. 3 out of 45 have been assassinated. At least a couple were shot and survived and several others have had close calls.

I really don’t get the Stacey Abrams love. What am I missing?


Losing id politics

She’s a southern black female with generally progressive views. Not groundbreaking, but pretty good for Georgia. She also seems to give a fuck and has campaigned for voting rights since being fucked out of the governorship.

She’s not anything amazing, but great for a mainstream dem.

The idea that m4a hurts union employees is dum.

Meh, you could just prop him up for like, a weekend


He needs someone more centrist to win over the mainstream Dems who are scared of all the socialism stuff. Warren brings in no one new. Maybe Julian Castro? Klob honestly isn’t a bad idea.

She has zero experience and she just took $5 million dollars from Michael Bloomberg. Pass.

:heart: Tlaib, but are y’all insane.If you’re gonna go absolutely YOLO hard left than I guess Nina Turner is who you go with.

Republicans did this in 2008 too because they thought Obama would be easier to beat than Hillary. What Republicans think is easy to beat tends to be really popular.

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Nina Turner gives a fair amount of cover over 4/46 as the’d think twice.

Love Castro for Bernies veep tbh