Wrestlemania XLIII: Trump, or Bloomberg? GO!

There’s a whole load of issues that stop and frisk/search brings to the community not limited to the Cops abusing you.

I mean why risk the short journey when it’s either the Cops or the local robber who’s after you.


Sums up some of my concerns. I’ve read reports on the brutal efficiency of his campaign operation, which mirrors the way he runs his businesses. He’s a demon but he’s most certainly not dumb.

I’m repeating myself, but let us Americans not forget about the constitution and civil rights and the difference between a free society and totalitarianism. The police just stopping you is the freaking hallmark of totalitarianism. New York City under Bloomberg was literally a police state, at least if you were not white. Absolutely disgusting and disgraceful that he’s got any traction and that the Democratic Party isn’t unequivocally denouncing this motherfucker.


I’ve always preferred Kafka to Orwell myself but ymmv

In both worlds the rule is that if you’re white the police leave you alone and if you are Black or Hispanic they fuck with you. Those are the rules. Regardless, one doesn’t have to talk about Trump at all to talk about how Bloomberg is completely unacceptable and should be totally rejected by anyone in the Party. Like Obama should maybe be talking about how he’s thinking about getting involved if it looks like Bloomberg might get the nomination.

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I’m in agreement here @microbet and I’m adding that the bullies in the hood are able to inflict even more pain into the veins of the innocent trying to go about there day not limited to males.
When it started in my city it turned a whole lot of folks into criminals because the actual bad peeps would carry nothing but a patsy.

Scotland Stop and search laws…


Your rights
Officers will act with integrity at all times and treat you with fairness and respect.

You will not be stopped and searched because of your age, sex, ethnic background or religion.

Officers should explain why they have stopped you and before any search, explain what they are looking for. Being stopped by the police does not mean that you are under arrest but you will need to stay with the officer until they have completed the search.

After the search officers should provide you a receipt for the search, which contains information about your rights and how you can access a copy of your stop and search record.

You will not get a criminal record unless you are convicted of an offence. Any personal information collected will be kept for police purposes and then destroyed after three years.

You can obtain a leaflet with information on stop and search using the link 'Leaflet about Stop

I wish Scotland was free and fair tbh.

Even the internet doesn’t know what that is. I even found a page of Glawegian slang.


Lol, gotta admit, I did not see this one coming:

Real or Onion?

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I think you’ll all appreciate the text conversation I had earlier today. I was a lot nicer in text than I was screaming to the air in my room.

My first response was passive-aggressive enough to get my point across, right?


Looking back, I’m pretty sure Angel was being passive aggressive right back to me…


I bet “Angel” isn’t an unpaid volunteer like you are.


exactly the point of my first response

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Angel is caked the fuck up



Double down Mike.

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the way things are going, some teachers union is gonna endorse him now.

What if that guy is now walking around the office with a seed of doubt though :+1:

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DrZ’s hatred of blacks is slipping through the troll mask

The Bloomberg interns are getting paid $6,000 a month with free lodge/Food and Mac book pro + iPhone… That’s a sweet deal… I think Angel is telling her friends that OMG!! it’s a Cult if you work for free or some version of it


Ok it’s field organsers

ffs man, just replace “Pete” with “Bernie” in my texts. Because there are plenty of Bernie volunteers who feel the same exact way I do about bloomberg. But anytime you can get in a shot at me, you gotta take it, right?