Wrestlemania XLIII: Trump, or Bloomberg? GO!

In that case I need to know what the word “carry” means.


Still think people are overreacting over Bloomberg. He just seems to have no constituency whatsoever. Who is hyped to turn out to vote for Bloomberg?

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This campaign is really driving home for me just how outrageous these fortunes are. Bloomberg’s net worth isn’t even going to decrease.

I’d guess people who think he can beat Trump for some reason.

At the very least I think Bloomberg knows what he doesn’t know, and thus will leave it up to someone more expert to reconstruct the Federal Government infrastructure which is being randomly dismantled before our eyes. Career public servants are dropping left and right, only to be replaced by God knows what. Not to mention the court system. With him at the top of the ticket or without him there, the Democrats need his money. No doubt in my mind.

I’m also holding out hope that if Bloomberg wins the nomination and the election, he will step aside, citing his advanced age and also because maybe he just wanted to get Trump out more than he wanted to be President. I don’t know. I’m just flinging spaghetti at this point. Its just mind-boggling that the DNC has had eight years to cultivate a candidate since Obama’s re-election and these are the choices?

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Seems like the DNC got exactly the candidates it wanted.

He seems to think he knows how to run a school classroom.

Unfortunately, they were unable to get Jeb to change parties in time, though he would have been willing. He told his communications manager to secretly relay the message that he’d like to begin negotiations as soon as possible, but his communications manager was English–in fact a descendant of Winston Churchill–and instead relayed the message that Jeb wanted to table the issue. Unable to wait indefinitely, the DNC moved on to their second choice–Bloomberg–and the rest, like WWII, is history.

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There’s a leading candidate with a massive grass roots machine behind him both IRL and online that is well liked and universally considered honest. Should probably vote for that guy.



I like Pete, He’s definitely in my top 3 after Bernie and Biden. Keep up the good work.



Edit: Weird, I can’t figure out why my font is doing that.


went to look for Jeb! meme to post, apparently there is one of him for ~every election around the world


You should take the sweet sweet Bloomberg money and then just keep volunteering for Pete

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Jeb! is one of the most elite memes of all time. It’s been four goddamn years and I still laugh every single time.


If only we had clapped



Just laughed out loud at that. Will laugh out loud again when the next person posts the next Jeb! meme. Just like I’ll laugh at the next KlobSnowArmsOut.jpg post.


That’s what I call praxis. Er… whatever

Two or three of the guys in my poker game are. One was a Biden fan, one is in a union and is a little leery of single payer but is otherwise pretty liberal - he’s terrified of losing to Trump and is starting to think maybe running the most moderate candidate possible is how we beat him. The other one is a super rich guy who’s socially progressive but mostly doesn’t want to pay higher taxes, but hates Trump. He loathes Bernie, though.

I don’t think any of them are particularly familiar with Bloomberg’s actual policies, stop and frisk, etc. It’s more like he’s just the flavor of the week.

I just think there’s room to reject him wholeheartedly and relentlessly in the primary and then if he somehow wins it, vote for him because he’s less bad than Trump. With Trump we’re drawing live to the end of remotely free or fair elections, we’re drawing live to jailing political dissidents and opponents, we’re drawing live to massive expansion of concentration camps, we’re probably drawing liver than we want to think/admit to genocide.

We’re drawing live to some very bad things with Bloomberg, too, but there are two big differences:

  1. He’s less evil than Trump.

  2. He’s way more likely to be susceptible to shaming and to care about his legacy. Bloomberg is still welcome in all the elite Manhattan upper class soirees that long ago shunned Trump, so the opinions of the aristocracy theoretically matter to him.

And it’s not like I’m saying that when Bloomberg wins we all go back to normal, we should then immediately start protesting him and it should be an all hands on deck situation to primary eDems at every level, or start grassroots organizations or lobbying organizations on behalf of people who are most at risk in the current administration.

Like if we get Bloomberg v. Trump, regardless of the outcome, 20-30 people on this forum should be primarying motherfuckers in 2022 or getting active in organizing in some very real way. But I still think we have to vote for the outcome that is less bad, which also protects the future of our political opportunities a bit.

I think it’s possible to go Trump → Bloomberg → AOC or Trump → Bloomberg → ??? → AOC. If Trump wins again, AOC will probably never get to run for president in an election she has a snowball’s chance in hell of winning cause it’ll be so rigged. I think that is something worth protecting with a lesser of two evils vote.

I agree that Bloomberg is better than Trump, but will any Democratic Party loyalists admit any Republicans in the world are better than Bloomberg? You can pick any Republican politician post-George H.W. Bush, president, presidential candidate or member of congress.