Wrestlemania XLIII: Trump, or Bloomberg? GO!

Does Justin Amash count?

Olympia Snowe.

Not anymore.

You make a point along the lines of “you guys argue Bloomberg > Trump, but if Trump ran as a D against R Bloomberg, you would argue Trump > Bloomberg” But they would govern differently depending on what party they got elected from. This is true even of Trump.

For example, while Trump does not care about gun control, his admin has been great for the 2A crowd simply because he has an R next to his name. He has to placate those voters, donors, and activists. If after Las Vegas in 2017, when Republicans controlled Congress and the Presidency, it was instead a D Congress with Democratic President Trump, we would have very likely got some gun control.

There are a lot of issues like this: abortion, the environment, queer rights are big ones off the top of my head. So it’s not like sports where you just decide more or less arbitrarily that you like Team D and therefore hate their opponent Team R. The makeup of the fans affects how each team plays. I like X person better because he has a D next to his name is reasonable thinking for say a trans woman whose number one issue is climate change.


That’s certainly true to some extent. And Bloomberg the Dem is probably better than Bloomberg the Republican. But it’s not true without bounds.

Mayor Pete


This isn’t particularly hard. I’ll just start with the ones I’m sure even you’ll agree with. In no particular order, the following republicans off of your list are worse than Bloomberg and I don’t believe you if you tell me you disagree:

  1. Pat Buchanan (Presidential Candidate);
  2. Strom Thurmond (member of congress);
  3. David Duke (Presidential Candidate);
  4. Mike Huckabee (Presidential Candidate);
  5. Rudy Giuliani (Presidential Candidate);
  6. Duncan Hunter (Presidential Candidate, Member of Congress);
  7. Jim Jordan (Member of Congress);
  8. Mark Meadows (Member of Congress);
  9. Mitch McConnell;

That’s what I came up with in about 3 minutes. Enough with this Bloomberg is the devil silliness. He’s the second-worst candidate currently running in the democratic primary for president.

Jim Jeffords

Was going to say him, but if Amash doesn’t count, neither does he.

This is more Bernie vs Bloomberg, but still, BLOLOLMBERG



I wonder how many posters here have contributed a higher percentage of their free cash to Bernie Sanders than Bloomberg is contributing to his own campaign? All of us that have donated?

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Out of trump and bloomberg which one has changed the laws to extend his term beyond it’s previously stated limits? Like zomg trump is an existential threat because he’ll end democracy. mini mike literally pulled a putin in new york.

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poker players love bloomberg. they love the prosperity gospel. Daniel Negreanu went right to caping for him as soon as Yang dropped out. Olivier Busquet, a lifetime NYC resident, was caping for him.

Poker players and doctors, the two dumbest groups of smart people around

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Doctors are protecting their income and heirs. People who thought Trump would be good for poker are just stupid.

Herb Walker right there, ez game

I don’t think you are a Democratic party loyalist.

Or am I…


See, the first draft was “You are not a Democratic party loyalist” but the anti-quoting brigade shamed me into letting my joke get ruined.

I blame @zikzak .

Most docs are dems. Most female docs are dems, which isn’t surprising. Most surgeons are GOP, also not surprising - but the old tropes aren’t holding any more. Although we’re still notoriously shitty pilots…


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