Wrestlemania XLIII: Trump, or Bloomberg? GO!

Why is it that doctors cause excess troubles when out drinking together? Or does that just happen in the UK. :thinking:

Isnā€™t that everyone in the UK :grin:

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Trueā€¦ But doctors OMG!!! And Iā€™m talking about the best of the best, surgeonā€™s and specialists.

My friends a surgeon in the UK warned me about it when we went on a night out, they tend to go for it on the night with how much they can handle.

Iā€™m old, so itā€™s possible that Iā€™m having a reference about drinking docs go whizzing past my head.

US Docs generally donā€™t socialize (to any significant degree) with groups of other docs with the possible exception of golfers, but that may just an indication that they like wearing brightly colored plaid pants. Or at medical conventions, I suppose, but theyā€™re generally held in giant auditoriums or lecture halls, without much alcohol involvedā€¦


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So itā€™s only a UK thingā€¦ Phew!!


Dunno if this is a common stereotype, but I have a friend who is a pilot and like most pilots was an instructor and he said doctors were the worst pilots. (Because they always think they know best.)



Thereā€™s also a clip of him in some broadway play or some shit but canā€™t find it now, goes well with the meme above

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I agree with this article. That being said Iā€™m super not surprised that you read slate.

Lol I donā€™t ā€œread slate.ā€ Meaning I do not go to slate and peruse the articles like a newspaper with my morning coffee.

Just like I donā€™t read Vox or Buzzfeed or Politico.

But if thereā€™s a good article I read it and share it.

I get these links from friends/social media. I read them If they are relevant to me. If they are good, I share.

Fair enough. I used to read slate like that actually. Then I realized that their viewpoint was a major filter bubble.


Dammit Joe, donā€™t make me like you.



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Just dropping in to say say that I watched the debate last night (the first one Iā€™ve watched this cycle TBH), because I was curious about Bloomberg. Heā€™s still better than Trump, but holy shit wow he sucked. Those hits on the nondisclosure agreements were cringeworthy to watch. Sanders did very well. So did Biden, he gets way too much hate here. I agree that Buttigieg comes off as an ass.



Bloomerā€™s biggest mistake was running against Trump as a Democrat instead of as a Republican.

If heā€™d just stayed as a Republican, he never would have had to enter a debate and could easily have out-Trumped Trump.


Someone should have asked him about that at the debate. He was a Republican, why not run as one? What is he trying to accomplish here? (Itā€™s to try to stop Bernie from being the nominee.)

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Exactly. Liz called him out on that, too. She quoted stuff without attribution and let everyone assume it was Trump quotes, then said lol thatā€™s not Trump. Thatā€™s Bloomer.

Didnā€™t one of Trumpā€™s rivals get a huge caucus percentage before dropping out? Without a single debate. With Trump as the declared de facto nominee.

Heā€™s battling for Trump voters. Even if he wins, Dems are not going to be happy voting for him. But Republicans might have been DELIGHTED for Trump and Mike to battle for the GOP presidency.


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