Wrestlemania XLIII: Trump, or Bloomberg? GO!





Is the first billboard real or onion? Bloomberg really is Mr. Burns.


Oh they real… Real bad. :rofl:


Well I think he’s hitting the target audience. My boomer mom who hates bloomberg and supports Bernie thought they were funny.

Dat bloomer humor smh

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Every Democrat who even suggests they won’t happily vote for whoever wins the nomination should be shunned and ignored for life. Nothing they ever say should be acknowledged. They are a joke and perhaps only people dumber than trump himself.


I won’t happily vote for Bloomberg if he wins the nomination.

It’s up to you to decide if I will unhappily vote for him or not vote for him.

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If you don’t vote for him you are an idiot. Full stop. Undebatable.

In fact there should be a global internet-wide filter allowing me to block everyone who makes such a claim.

I think I covered this before, but I think it’s a legit tactic to bluff in order to help your candidate. So for example, if you’re a Bernie bro, you claim that if Bernie doesn’t get the nom you stay home (or worse vote for Trump). However, when November comes along you quietly vote D anyway.

Maybe I’m in denial, but I’m just assuming all these people are bluffing.

If you vote for Bloomberg you’re an idiot full stop.


Sorry but it’s not legit. This election is 99.99999999999999999999% about removing trump and 0.000000000000000001% about which Democrat does it.


And you are blocked.

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You’re going to have to flesh this out for me. Their preferred nominee doesn’t win, but they end up voting for the D candidate any way. Now explain what your problem is.

The bluff part is my concern. The message should be loud and in unison that our collective goal is removal of trump. We will fight like dogs in the primary but after that we will support whosever wins.

Look at the idiot who posted right above you!

Yeah guys gotta vote for the sexist, racist billionaire or else we’ll be stuck with a sexist, racist billionaire.


The bluff is fighting like dogs.


You’ll have to convince me Bloomer winning wouldn’t do more long term damage than Trump first.

Some centrists cite electability and the potential of defections if Bernie is the nominee. Progressives need to be able to make an equally credible threat that they might not vote for a nominee who is too far conservative to avoid having their concerns taken for granted.

We’ve seen what Trump does when given carte blanche by Republicans do whatever he wants. I am not going to give the Democratic establishment a hall pass to ratfuck Bernie or commit other shenanigans.


Asking is proof you are not intelligent enough to understand any response.

The problem with bluffing is that just because you’re some 4chaner who is in on the Q joke, most people aren’t.