What are you listening to

Gotta love Chuck Brown.

wow google is half worthless

trying to search for this guitarist I’d discovered years back that has 1 functional hand/arm, and a prosthetic of sorts on the other, and google was totally devoid of much lmao frauds

Album art has cartoon bums, I guess.

I know, lol old, and I’m turning into my father or something, but Carole King is awesome.

But, speaking my father, here are some songs from his actual favorite. I heard these on the 8-track many a time.


MMA fans might recognize this

You’d think I’d be a Conor McGregor fan given my Irish roots and citizenship but I can’t stand behind that prick. Hope he gets owned.


I want all my daughters to be like Maxine Waters. \m/ \m/

Fuckin’ A, whatever happened to real hip-hop, why did it die. JFC the dumb corporate shit I get on my radio today is so soft and horrible.

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We got brothers troopin’ subways like the Iranian stockpile of missiles 500 meters deep.

You know Zack is ambivalent/tormented by his ideas on confrontation, rightfully never acted upon.

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Zack is an edgelord, KRS-One is the real deal.

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oh yeah, how so?

he’s another very bright cat that knows his fate would be Bobby Seale(d)

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Name any other rapper in the past twenty years who brings it to you like this:


Me? I’m Akhenaten and writing on papyrus

KRS-One is identifying himself with the Pharaoh Akhenaten who reigned during circa 1353–1336 BC. Significant is that Akhenaten introduced worship of Aten, the sun-disk, a monotheistic deity in a breakage from the polytheistic worship of the Egyptian pantheon of gods. Worship of Aten was considered a new version of received truth, and a breakage from old ways. KRS-One advocates just that with respect to Hip Hop. For more on, see Wikpiedia on Aten.

Also notable is that Akhenaten was husband of Nefertiti, referenced frequently by other hip hop artists such as Rakim Visions of Nefertiti, Mecca, Medina.

KRS-One indicates that his verse is written on papyrus, a reed that grows on the banks of the Nile and used by Ancient Egyptians. In this way, KRS-One situates himself within the intellectual tradition of the Egyptians.

pretty cool that this site provides a bit of insight into what KRS-One might’ve meant lol


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You think metal lacks the message of someone like KRS-One?

A few of you do listen to metal

Ignore the covers and instead scroll down a bit to “2019’s Best Metal Songs… So Far”. You’ll find dozens of albums to check out. They recommended specific songs but I just listened to the whole albums. I have made it all the way to the letter T and have about handful left. Very few duds.

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I guess Neal Peart just passed :pray:

Metal is all over the map. Like, there was a whole lot of genuinely subversive shit back in my day. Megadeth was all about the military-industrial complex. Remember when Metallica had a music video with footage from Johnny Got His Gun? Fucking terrifying.

But now all my favorite bands got old and Slayer and Dave Mustane are on some dumbfuck boomer shit. There’s a lot of fascist-adjacent metal that is very bad. I don’t know what the new generation of metal is like because I’m old. I like Mastodon but it’s not subversive in any real way.