What are you listening to

lol I’m never not liking a Dio post.

@Lostrich @cassette You two should submit tracks for the next walrus - there’s a strong anti-avant-garde bias that needs challenging.


Adds a new twist to the format, and I’m a sucker for neurosis driven music:

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lol right hand here @smrk4 @ggoreo

Somehow I think I didn’t remember to check back in on this thread after tne moveover to the new site! I missed so much! So much hip hop!

A while back I curated a bunch of my personal “best of” on a year-by-year basis and I am sorry to say I will slowly spam this site with it, even if I don’t get a :heart: from @JohnnyTruant!

BTW, anyone listen to any Open Mike Eagle? Good shit, and sometimes pretty damn funny as well.

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Terrorize the jams like troops in Pakistan.

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Hotties from the trolly

I like those tops they’re wearin’

The lady who plays Old Dirty Bastard just kills it on that track. Like, it’s not easy to fill ODB’s shoes but she nails it. Start watching it at 1:55.

yeah, she stood out. The 2nd one, the most slender one moves well. big fan err

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Thought the ODB lady was the only really talented one, def killed it.

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Can’t think about rappers like Open Mike Eagle without thinking about his participation in this

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lol that’s hilarious

I love the hint of her native pronunciation in this, and her total hotness.

Saw this guy perform last week

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