UP's Blind Spot for Sexism and Misogyny

I always had a thing for Lea Thompson.

Enough to watch the entire run of Caroline in the City?

Pretty much, especially given Amy Pietz and Laurie Graham.

Replace the choices with two different colored sweaters and it becomes an old Jewish mother joke.


From now on, whenever I walk by cans of Gold Star Chili in the aisles at Kroger I’ll be reminded of this thread.

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yeah that’s absurd. that’s not someone particularly interested in solving either, especially as you describe your interaction. that’s someone who just wants to try to own you in an argument.

Her daughter Zoey Deutch is also an amazing actress. Check her out in two great movies: Buffaloed (Hulu) and Set It Up (Netflix).

I looooooved Lea Thompson in the show Switched at Birth. Along with impeccable acting prowess, she is a terrific singer.

OK, so at least two of us watched the entire show.

In all seriousness, for those of you who post here who are not straight white dudes, many of us really appreciate the perspectives you bring to the table. This is a community of weird obsessive nerds who argle-bargle about politics and Quentin Tarantino movies and shit, idk why you put up with any of us.



Oh do fuck off with your holier than thou bullshit, whoever you are.

What does this new thread make of this, posted in another thread yesterday?

To me it’s an obvious example of a repetition of a decades old sexist meme that has women being too stupid and/or useless to be allowed to drive.

(I alerted our fearless caped cuseador to it, but strangely for such a self-proclaimed defender of the underdog, he didn’t respond)

I think it’s trying to be that, but it doesn’t really even succeed because it’s too incoherent.

The “At the risk” box also features a classic piece of male condescension totally superfluous to the “gag”.

Heritage, not hate!

You mean like a waitress? Because that’s all they are good for? To serve men?

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Woof! Woof woof woof woof!

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And art too. Why does this couple apparently live inside of a formless gray void?

1 dipshit makes 1 comment and we need a new thread for scolding and self-flagellation?

Of course, now I’m the dipshit for pointing it out. C’est la vie.