About Moderation (old original thread)

or jabs :grin:


Jal called everyone but the Europeans xenophobes, and jman called not all the Europeans, pretty much just jal xenophobes. Europeans took offense at jman.

I’m sure chads is more than capable of making up his own mind without you trying to game it even more.

Also, ban yourself for telling me to fuck off. kthxbye

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Who asked you?

I’m almost sure that this gives the other Mods a chance to see the report, it’s the best way to get it off you’re screen.

Any other option does not do this.

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Ah yes, a post most assuredly made in good faith.

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Under the new stricter rules (“Personal attacks”), your abuse is definitely now a ban worthy offence.

But carry on digging up old posts made under different forum rules, as if they’re still relevant.

Good faith mod posting lol.

Yeah, there were black minstrel show performers and they wore blackface. As in, yes, they were already black but they put on the ridiculous minstrel show makeup, because the point was to achieve that ridiculous and offensive caricature with the jet-black skin contrasted with the oversized lips, not, like, wearing a little bronzer to be more historically accurate when you performed Shakespeare’s Othello or, in this case, cosplaying as one of your favorite superhero science fiction or whatever characters.

I actually get reverse-offended when people get this wrong because it makes a mockery of just how harmful and destructive the American minstrel shows were.


Which one is that? Surely you can point to it for me.

The rules we were told you’d be enforcing so as to avert the need for you to deprive the forum of your most excellent and greatly admired moderation (as evidenced by numerous posts from different posters above).

Has there been an RFC? Perhaps I missed it.

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My favorite was when people got upset about Zwarte Piet and people dressing up like him, because of the blackface. I was like, OK, sure, I get it, but do you know why they’re dressing up as a black dude?


The Dutch were so nuts about that slavery for a spell that their Santa has a slave, and somehow people missed that actually wildly offensive part to complain about the makeup choices when they dressed up as said slave.


The space aliens observing us are laughing to keep from crying.


Either I am having a stroke or this thread is some weird cut and paste mishmash all of a sudden.

You people are still doing this huh?


Social dynamics make it impossible for people to stop doing this.



Chads moved some complaints from one of the covid threads in here.

Temp jman and let’s move on.


That’s really all it takes, but you’re not considering their meta game, old boy.