About Moderation (old original thread)

lol, fuck off.

Oh I see, you canā€™t find a link to it. Iā€™m sure it must exist, though, because you said it does. Never mind.

Tally ho!

Yes, and to the best of my knowledge, that occurred before I took any action on you.

This is classic internet trolling bullshit. Jalfrezi will continue to throw shit against the wall to see what sticks with a set of further and further demands, never to be satisfied. Heā€™s got wookie you seeā€¦

oh wait.

And Jalfrezi posted 32 times in that thread? Weird how he forgot about it. (He didnā€™t) The whole point is to be annoying and make wookie do more work to deal with him.

Next up, heā€™ll post about how this doesnā€™t apply somehow. Just more toxic bullshit.

I found the RFC process to be a little bureaucratic, but it works quite well.

Iā€™m out of this unless people want to throw more lies around that require refutation.


Welcome to the poster than badgers me daily (and nightly) in the Covid thread. Is it Ikes?

No, itā€™s that caffeine needed guy, right?


Not likely. Fidget is just trolling again.

Well, I thought the desire to be free from mod actions from any mod you accuse of bias (no matter how flimsy the accusation) was pretty bold. Insisting that you should be free from public disagreement is bold indeed.

no, start a separate thread for that please.


Hey, I only got 1 like on announcement of my first dose (must look that guy up!)

Iā€™m about as popular as a ginger stepson around this place


Holy fuck you guys are some bad faith nitwits.

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Why is this being separated from the actual covid thread?

I was getting pretty fuckin sick of seeing all these vaccine braggarts clog up our covid19: origins discussion thread.


My post was a joke, not complaining.


Cops donā€™t arrest cops


If the defining criteria for a word being ā€œracistā€ is its origins and connotations then the so-called n-word wouldnā€™t be racist. And thatā€™d be quite the pickle, right? It didnā€™t become one of the big bads until the 20th century and it didnā€™t become this word-that-shalt-never-be-named-in-any-context (like, the SNL ā€œdead honkyā€ skit wouldnā€™t fly todayā€¦ Or, a white NWA fan couldnā€™t tell somebody what the acronym stood for) until the 1990s. Thatā€™s how etymology works.

(Srsly, it was the reporters writing about the OJ trial and Mark Fuhrman and getting tired of how he dropped n-bombs every other word. At first they just printed the word but then they thought, holy shit this is getting ridiculous.)


or jabs :grin:


Jal called everyone but the Europeans xenophobes, and jman called not all the Europeans, pretty much just jal xenophobes. Europeans took offense at jman.