About Moderation (old original thread)

I agree that this is true, but it doesn’t alter or mitigate anything that I said. It’s hardly an unforgivable sin to soak up racist language and repeat it without regard for all its connotations or etymology. I would expect most people here have done that at one point or another in their lives. But it is pretty silly to defend the use of term as not being racist when both its origins are plainly racist and, even if one is wholly ignorant of its origins or of American culture entirely, it’s plainly racially pejorative even with just a casual understanding of English linguistics and European history and culture.

The GB discussion was a long time ago and now it’s being discussed at length here? Mission accomplished Jman!


How about we drop the whole GB and ■■■■ discussion and move on. Insta-temp-ban for anyone who reignites this drama.


I never seen him repeat it after the initial saying of it, other than to explain why he used it and that was covered above in my post.

I dispute this… He did not imo or did I see a post, he addressed the situ and flung some shots jmans way.

Fair… But Jman couldn’t let it go and here we are.

Imo, Jal did not defend the word, but our use of it in the UK.

I can accept this.

@Jman please stop stalking Jalfrazi’s posts we have mods for that, thanks.

Since no-one else will ask, I’m asking you kindly to stop & if I can return a favour let me know, thanks.


Describing the Europeans here as xenophobes is a personal attack that didn’t result in a ban, but calling that person a moron is banworthy?

lol Wookie

Everyone can see what’s going on here.


Uh, the first person who couldn’t let it go was jal, who demanded an apology that his use of a racist term was spotted.

There is no defense of the term that it isn’t racist in the UK. There may be widespread ignorance about its origins and complete apathy to its plain meaning, but unless you expect me to believe that the average Brit doesn’t read about WWII or the Holocaust in school, I suspect that most of the people (Brits and otherwise) who bandy about “ghetto blaster” without regards for its plain meaning also know that a “ghetto” is a place where undesirable minorities get confined.

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Yes there is, its called self-deprecating jokes when your a kid and don’t know any better, and that was the main use of the word in the UK.

Can we get to the issue, please and thanks.


Seems so… Laters :v:

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The problem is, there aren’t. Chads has said his work makes it hard for him to get too involved as a mod now, and the only other mod I’d trust to be impartial, Risky, only lurks now.

Lawyers huh… Sure pick pick pick away

A user of the term being ignorant of its origins and connotations does not make the term un-racist, even if there are a lot of ignorant people!

People do seem to enjoy dancing to his tune.

Wookie I’m not going to sit here and even attempt to argue this out with you, as you’re just better at making your points and I suspect you know this and its why you keep bringing the GB back.

Nice… :ok_hand:


Hiding your 2+2 identity doesn’t inspire trust, no.

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Every single mod who has taken any action against jal has subsequently been accused of bias, even after their first action. You accused me of biased moderation before I even took any moderator action. So, no, I will not recuse myself from moderating any poster who accuses me of bias, and I would hope any and all future mods would do likewise, because accusing a mod of bias should not be a get out of jail free card.

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That is completely false, and I hope it’s just an oversight and not another attempt to smear.

@microbet gave me a 1 day ban which I accepted without argument because I probably deserved it. He also had the decency and balance to ban Jman at the same time, who also agreed with it.

You however…

Giving you the benefit of the doubt that you’re arguing in good faith, you can see how this gives the impression of mod bias.


Have stood up to community scrutiny. You want to continue this crusade?

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I may have missed this. What form did the community scrutiny of your recent actions take? Please can you link me to it?

Fine, start an RFC for this one.

AFAIK the RFC process isn’t required to ask a mod for a link to a process that’s already taken place.

Please can you link me to it?