About Moderation (old original thread)

I went back and read the offending posts & as I said at the very start of the Jal/Jman feud “Stp responding to Jalfrazi, Jman” and its still going on.

Why hasn’t Jman eaten a ban for calling me a rasict, why? I’m European too.

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And why exactly is this post hidden? From @marty

"Can’t you be specific when calling out others for racism and stop with the broad brush? It’s cowardly, a bit pathetic and offensive.

I know I haven’t contributed but I doubt most passersby have the first idea who was posting what."

I’m very ashamed of the Modding yesterday tbh, 1 Jalfrazi eating a ban and Jman did not, that seems a bit weird after reading the offending posts.

And 2, Marty getting posts hidden due to asking why again Jman rides through Scotfree?

This does not seem right, tbh.


:unamused: Sad…

This is when the ban should have occurred… Jalfrezi explained the the word GB is different for us and would not use it going forward as did I wrt the GB term.

The Fish and chips episode was explained and Jman still wants to bring it up…

  1. I have no knowledge of as I’ve stayed out the Covid-19 thread for months now as I’m working in the wild.
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I’m angry atm, but will be fine once I’ve had me coffee, but this shit last night is bad form peeps.

I’m just telling you what the pattern of moderation has been.

“Snidey attacks” are not fine. They tend to get hidden. “Blunt force attacks” are also not fine. They tend to be deemed as worse than “snidey attacks” and lead to bans.

And if jman is baiting jal into posting stuff that leads to a ban, then jal is complete and utter sucker for continually falling for it.

I can’t do that because I have him on ignore because his posts are terrible.


Uh, I just went back and reread that thread, and, uh, no, if that were what happened, it would not be over 300 posts long. That is not remotely what happened.

It is how I remember it and Jman was way quick to jump on any “words” that backed his case.

Why did Jman not receive a ban along with Jalfrazi?

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And why this post in question was hidden

Because jal was more abusive and has a much more abusive history.

Because I wanted to hide that whole derail.

So @MrWookie you want to take the GB and say Jalfrazi was being rasict?

And ignore the other 2 offending lines above… And most of this happened months ago.

AND Jman was asked repeatedly to STOP responding to Jalfrazi which is my gripe here, if he says away from jalfrezis posts I’m sure everything will be cool, unless I’ve missed stuff from Jalfrazi.

Please post this info in the moderation thread, so I’m not confused along with others.

I’m just looking for fairness in modding…


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Jal was using a racist term without regard for its origins or connotations and that he’d adopted into his lexicon uncritically a while ago. When this was pointed out to him, he went on a massive spree to justify his usage of the term, bringing to bear feeble arguments frequently used by racists to defend their use of racist terms rather than simply reflecting on the meaning of the term and dropping it from use.

In addition to what Wookie said, when confronted with the fact that using the c-word bothered people he spent forever justifying its use instead of deciding to just not use a word on a damn message board to be polite to others.

Oh, and he dodged the profanity filter this week just to use that word. Not abusive though!

Can a moderator move the covid origins discussion from the past few days to its own thread? People seem to want that discussion and pandemic news separate.

Jalfrazi pointed out he hadn’t used the word in years and never thought about it as being racist when it was brought up which is true for most UK folks born around that time. As I remember it.

Other things were said and I think that’s my whole gripe here, Jman keeps pointing at any discretion Jal may have made in every post he makes, its been stalker material since day dot on here.

That’s my main gripe here and I think you know that Wookie, ban the one that responds 1st to the other and I’m all good.

Sorry for annoying your day, I’ll go get my coffee. :coffee:

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Kindly stay out of my gripes with the Mods unless it involes you and we will be cool, thanks in advance.

After all he’s not the only one who’s asked for the word to stay, I did too, but accepted that you peeps do not, along with the word we hate I thanked you for not using it going forward.


