On the Origins of Covid

Given that you’re hiding who you are, you probably shouldn’t talk about people’s track records. Not really fair. (I’m like 85% sure I know who you are though)

Man, this thread used to be cool. Now we’re talking about conspiracies, regional biases, grudges from previous message board incarnations. Cmon guys, can’t we focus on how we’re all fucked and about to run out of toilet paper?


It’s possible to live a life without toilet paper.

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I don’t want to know what goes on inside your van.

Another successful Keeed shitstorm.


The worst kind of conspiracy theories in the world!

This obviously won’t ever get a response, which should speak for itself.

Confusing people refusing to take you seriously with you having a point is an option I guess.

Regardless, this should have stopped a long time ago. It’s time.

You lied about me and what I said and then ignored me when challenged. As I said, it speaks for itself.

Seriously, can we not make this thread the next place where all the people creating and looking for stupid ass drama hang out?

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a few hours earlier:

Realize that was just tossed aside for the bat gave a worker in the wuhan lab theory because it didn’t fit that narrative.

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AIDS escaped from an AIDS lab you jokers.

That’s what I tried to explain but it’s like trying to make a toddler understand

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Literally the same reason we can’t see Trump is becoming the president again in August. They don’t want us to know

Lots of bats in Austin.

I predict the next major world wide virus will be caused by the Joe Rogan conclave.

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The WHO team says its inability to examine blood samples from people who gave blood in Wuhan in the weeks, months, and years before the outbreak denied the team evidence of “great added value”. Officials from Wuhan Blood Centre gave a presentation but no samples were made available. The WHO report recommends antibody testing on blood donor samples from the last three months of 2019, with regulatory and ethical “approval”. It says no conclusion can be made about Covid-19 causing flu-like illnesses in adults in December 2019.

Swab samples from adults from the last three weeks of December were not available either. Therefore no conclusions can be made about Covid-19 causing flu like illnesses in those weeks, the WHO said.

I spent a chunk of the morning actually reading the WHO report. Notwithstanding its stated conclusion, it should definitely make you significantly more likely to believe the lab escape theory than you were before. The summary is that they looked for COVID in a bunch of different animals and came up empty. They didn’t really look at lab leak scenarios and naturally came up empty there too. That’s basically the report.

Of course, the fact that the no-lab-leak conclusion was immediately denounced by the head of the CDC during most of the pandemic, the US Secretary of State, 11 other western nations and the head of the WHO itself should probably also increase your estimate of the lab-leak likelihood, but that’s not strictly scientific.


Have they released the annexes to the report yet?