COVID-19: Chapter 7 - Brags, Beats, and Variants

Right. My deplorable friend who sent me the story is using it to justify NOT getting the vaccine. Ugh.

Yeah, it is unfortunate these are being reported as breathless news stories. If the surprise positives arent creating unvaccinated clusters or creating severe illness might be half good news.


Rewerts said three of her family members who were also fully vaccinated contracted it as well. “One of my family members actually went to the hospital,”

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I signed up for California’s MyTurn website about a month ago when my wife was scheduled for her first vaccine appointment and just got a confirmation email today. Doesn’t make me all that hopeful I’ll be able to get vaccinated in April.

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This will also be my last week in the “still waiting for eligibility” category. I just hope I’m not in the “has appointment for first shot” category for a month.


SK has seriously posited that scientists have covered something about lab work up to save their funding, because we’d all stop studying virology or something if this came from a lab. He’s not worth talking to. Even if we find good evidence that this somehow came from a lab, it’s not like he’s participating in good and honest discussion now. He should be ignored.


I know we’ve been deep in the weeds on china and Covid origins, but can we maybe circle back around to vaccinated folks contracting Covid and some dying? That seems important.

I know the vaccine isn’t 100% effective, but this seems like big news, no?


Doesn’t seem like anecdotes should be big news. Is there really a suggestion that the stated efficacy rates are wrong?

Vaccinated people contracting COVID really isnt news. It has been happening at or below rates we’d have expected from the trials. Deaths are minor news, but 2 people in their 80s dying of COVID after vaccination in a country where 50 million people have been vaccinated isnt really stop the presses news either.


Agree. Like yeah some vaccinated people are still going to contract covid and possibly die, not really anything new there.

Don’t know - hence, maybe we should discuss? I’m pretty dumb, so I’m hoping some smart folks can speak up on it.

The anecdote out of Florida with several vaccinated family members catching it is worrisome.

It’s Florida news which is interesting given the state has roughly a third of the US ‘Brazillian’ variant cases (see Chile’s stats)

Effectiveness will have taken a hit since rates stated Dec 2020 and not been updated in light of variants.

Get prepared for reinfections in the unvaccinated too.

Just not sure what to discuss on most of this. Some percentage of vaccinated people will catch COVID, some (hopefully) small but non-zero percentage will die from COVID.

With the family anecdote, wonder if there is some genetic reason the vaccine wouldnt be as effective with that family. Also could just be a rare random occurrence in a large sample size (51 million people vaccinated, so rare events not a total shock)

Wont really be news unless we are seeing enough cases to show vaccines are becoming less effective than we expected or can trace common threads with variants or eventually time since vaccinated or something.

You’re not dumb. I think the various studies on effectiveness are enough to not worry about stories that pop up from time to time. Obviously things could change, but some of this is to be expected.

Switched my vote already. Appears we were allowed to sign up at noon today, not midnight tonight. Appointment booked for tomorrow afternoon. Mrs Cooler was a little slower on the button clicking and doesn’t have an appointment until Monday. She clearly never 16-tabled pokerstars in a past life.


P.1 - Brazillian - Average age of death lower

The high number of cases has brought the health system to the verge of collapse.

In 18 of Brazil’s 26 states and in the capital, Brasilia, the occupancy of intensive care units (ICU) is above 90%, according to Brazilian public health institute Fiocruz. In two states, Amapá and Mato Grosso do Sul, ICU are completely full.

How did it get so bad?

The latest surge in cases and deaths has been attributed to the spread of a highly contagious variant of the virus which was first detected in Japan in travellers from the city of Manaus, in Brazil’s Amazon state.

Preliminary data suggests the new variant could be up to twice as transmittable as the original version of the virus.

It’s almost like, and hear me out here, when you ignore what science tells you is the right option bad shit happens.

I have a feeling this next era is going to feel like the ten plagues of Egypt for people who resist climate change action or science more generally.

I found out my friend Frank Gabrin died 1 year ago today. He was the first doctor in the USA to die. He was a cancer survivor and had just gotten married. He had some massive ups and downs in his life. He battled through burnout after nearly being murdered by a patient for a long time. He had finally found some real happiness with his marriage to his long time boyfriend. Shit isn’t fair.

I also confirmed that I was willing to work in a room with people on CPAP and hi flow. Back then we were blaming that for staff getting sick. My job was going to be take care of those people. I tried to get my wife to go live with her aunt, she wouldn’t leave.

I kept what’s essentially a journal of things from this time period that’s mostly too personal to share, but it’s kind of crazy to look back at what I was thinking at that time. I swear I remember it in almost a positive light as an experience where we all came together and I grew as a physician. What I wrote at the time is… not that.


Thank you for your service and for your contributions ITT.


So what I am getting from this is that if you are operating some kind of fruit bat laboratory, you need to be extra conscientious about safety. Can anyone detail exactly what is needed? Is it enough to wear kitchen gloves or should I start wearing goggles as well?