On the Origins of Covid

Right but in this analogy you are the person smearing the whistleblower?

Governments lie. The Chinese govt is almost certainly just saying that as an attempt to deflect, but we’d try to lie just the same. No one anywhere in the chain of responsibility there or here in the past, present, or future is likely to go…“Yeah, we might have screwed up and killed a few million people.”

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I doubt we’ll ever find the “ground zero” case in the US. If the WHO hasn’t been allowed to study this, that’s news to me.

I figured you were partly just devil’s advocating because you like to do that (I do too)/hate most of the people here, but starting to wonder if you aren’t just wanting to hate on China. Not saying Asians or anything racial, but the government. Of course their government sucks. So does ours and so does the UK’s.

TBF Keeed has held this position since the start, the WHO report is news of the day and they’re not ruling anything out.

The US propaganda machine (Twitter) is keen to fuel this part of the investigation for whatever reason. Redifeld needs a book deal or something. Many must have been brainwashed by the ‘China Virus’ label but not Keeed.

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This is a lie. I never said scientists were covering anything up or lying or anything like that. I simply was making the point that scientists who were involved in the sort of virology research that might have lead to a lab leak would have powerful biases in the direction that research was safe and couldn’t possibly be the cause of the pandemic. It’s human nature.

You’re a liar and this sort of shouting down people in a discussion forum is idiotic.


Appreciate you saving anyone from having to look back through your posts. I’ll note that you went much further than this as well. You’re not a grown up in this conversation. You wouldn’t be shouted down if you participated in discussion honestly.

Of course.

The US and the UK have far more open societies, more powerful and independent presses, and have some level of accountability for their elected officials. I’m not saying that the US or UK government are good, but I do think that the authoritarian Chinese government is worse. And the US and Chinese states are probably the least susceptible to diplomatic pressure because they’re so powerful, which makes it even worse.


How am I being dishonest?

Presently yes, but on the current trajectory we’re on course to reach China/Russia levels in about 20 years.

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Some people are probably approaching this from the perspective that not shouting down people in a discussion forum leads to a blossoming of viewpoints like 9/11 trutherism. Whether your particular viewpoint can lead to something similar is, I suppose, debatable but it should be expected that someone like you will get serious pushback in a left-leaning forum aghast at a world that contains truthers, birthers, and QAnon.

Maybe there’s someone who can make the points you want to make, but in this particular place on the internet, given your track record, that person is probably not you.

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You should come up with a list of approved viewpoints that should be safe for me to opine on.


Just talk about the opposite of what Glenn Greenwald talks about. Should be safe.


Given that you’re hiding who you are, you probably shouldn’t talk about people’s track records. Not really fair. (I’m like 85% sure I know who you are though)

Man, this thread used to be cool. Now we’re talking about conspiracies, regional biases, grudges from previous message board incarnations. Cmon guys, can’t we focus on how we’re all fucked and about to run out of toilet paper?


It’s possible to live a life without toilet paper.

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I don’t want to know what goes on inside your van.

Another successful Keeed shitstorm.


The worst kind of conspiracy theories in the world!

This obviously won’t ever get a response, which should speak for itself.