About Moderation (old original thread)


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Do you smell toast?!

Always interesting how every bit of forum drama involves the same people over and over again.


You mean Jman instigating and wookie backing him up?

You’re just an innocent man being continually victimized by the evil that lurks on Unstuck.

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Most of the past has been six of one and half a dozen of the other, I agree.

But if you actually read the latest chapter you’d realise you’re wrong, as Jbro did. But it’s so much easier just to make assumptions.

Jbro getting memory holed so soon is a bit sad, a bit bizarre.


I can’t work out whether the people responsible are ashamed at how they gaslit him and forced him out and are hoping it will be forgotten, or believe they’re in the right and his departure was just collateral damage in the battle for control.

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I would be curious what you had in mind

those aren’t mutually exclusive, although I don’t think either is really correct.

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I’d support chads’ initiative and he should be allowed to do it as he sees fit without interference from other mods.

What happened to RiskyFlush?

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He’s ok I believe and still lurking and made a post describing his current state, which you should be able to find.

But with Chads’ work commitments it leaves us somewhat short of active mods and maybe we should seek to appoint another who showed interest recently. The more the merrier, as far as I can see, and I don’t believe a limit on number ever won a vote.

@anon10396289 dropped out after getting voted in - is he still interested?

Is @otatop still interested in standing for election as a mod?

Yeah I hope he’s doing well.


10 mins later I copy pasta his post as a response to his, get the banhammer for ‘trolling’ and even though I flagged the above earlier post, my copy pasted post flagged and removed…

Only inappropriate when posted by certain users it seems.


I’ll take your post as if you’re earnestly posting it, although we both know you aren’t.

You implied that dan was spreading covid by driving to a vaccination site far away. That is a shitty thing to say, and also simply not true. You then responded to my post with that same sentence (this might not be true, but I’m pretty sure) at which point you’re clearly trolling. Ignoring the context of those posts is inappropriate.

And let’s point something else out, the only reason you made that post to dan was that you feel inadequate because he corrected you about something, probably something months ago at this point because he doesn’t deal with your toxicity much anymore.

Crying now about someone calling out your bullying attempt is pathetic. You have potential to be a decent poster about covid, you just have to let some of your ego go. It’s ok to be wrong and/or educated about something.

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Shaming people about travelling during covid is a churchill thing. I think he said I should bang my family or something for flying to America to see them during Christmas.

Not really. Plenty of people lambasted suzzer for his CR trip, if you remember.
Maybe you don’t want to remember.

My “BRING FORTH THE REIGN OF KED” post should’ve counted as a vote.

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Yes but I don’t think an additional mod is needed.