About Moderation (old original thread)

It’s incredibly easy to spot bad faith complaints when so many relevant details are deliberately and obviously omitted.

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What suzzer did was a bad idea. This was not, and being petty little drama queens is not appropriate.


If people want to revisit the Keeed for mod debate in earnest, we now have an established process for doing so.

Those responsible are relying on enough of the forum being exactly that (blind) to the game because they can’t be bothered to read the relevant posts before jumping to a conclusion, and those responsible have zero interest in balanced moderation because they won’t ever be held to account for their actions.

That’s why the whole question of Jbro leaving after one particularly egregious example of atrocious modding is never brought up. One respected long-term poster took a stand and called it out for what it was, and got gaslit by them and had to leave. And this is supposed to be the brave new American Left lol.

And then people wonder why the forum doesn’t grow when these people behave like Trumpists.

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Describing “having to leave” one of the tabs in your Google Chrome like you were frog marched across the Trail of Tears is a bit much, imo. And this goes for all of the folks that have been “run out of here”.

I’m using the same vernacular that the people who forced him out use to describe previous cases.

The difference between those previous cases and Jbro is that he didn’t start flaming anyone - all he did was dare to disagree with some mods behaviours and accounts of events, and soon found himself being gaslit, which is pretty damn hard for anyone to take.

If people aren’t interested or don’t care, fine, that’s their call - but let’s not start calling things FAKE NEWS.

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It is not gaslighting to disagree with someone, lol

wtf at this - you think we shouldn’t be able to point out when a mod shows obvious bias? lol

I’m clearly talking about the episode that led to Jbro being gaslit and leaving - not some older spat he might have had with you or someone else which I don’t really care about.

And I still find it hard to imagine him actually flaming anyone, but there you go.

It went a lot further than that. Shall we relitigate the whole episode? I’m surprised you want this but we can if you like.

Maybe we could ask Chads if he would be willing to include it in an audit of mod behaviour?

Oh boy!


Jal would benefit greatly from being limited to two posts per day in the about moderation thread. It would force him to make a complaint that is focused and logical, allow him one rebuttal, and end it for the day so we can all move on.


Ikes for Mod


@CaffeineNeeded 4 mod!

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Neither I nor most of the rest of the forum has any interest in indulging your endless campaign of complaints, particularly when there does not seem to be any circumstances or arguments or evidence that would cause you to back down. Even wholesale resignation of the mods at your behest is unlikely to silence your complaints, as you have renewed them at any new mod who has intervened in any spat between you and your opponents. Given that you continue to make transparent swipes at them, it’s only logical to think that the next mod who bans you for it will be the next subject of your complaints.

You have failed to convince any but a small handful of allies of the rightness or relevance of your complaints. While not a ratified rule, there is also considerable forum sentiment for just banning people waging ceaseless complaint campaigns until they stop. My inclination is to gin up popular support for that.

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This is a repetition of a false claim you made earlier, which I refuted. Why do you keep repeating it?

cf @microbet when he banned me for a day

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