UP's Blind Spot for Sexism and Misogyny

That is what you took away from that cartoon?

I agree that like almost all comics it is not the least bit funny.

Does this include Mafia and Gangster Docs

Y’all tied it up

Rainforesters 3

So what’s the verdict if a women calls or refers to another women as a SD?

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It’s a sexist comic strip and you’re a troll who can fuck off.

lol eejit

No, this is a issue that’s come up repeatedly in the past, and introspection and improvement are not self-flagellation.

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Dude, you totally missed the context for why that dumb comic was posted.

Play the hits, dude. Play. The. Hits.

“But if women can say it whyyyy caaaaant IIIIIIII?”

Because you’re in the privileged group, and they would still be mean-spirited for doing it, and our society would still be better if they didn’t, but that’s not for me to impose upon them.

Deal with it.

Seems like I’m not alone there, eh?

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Do u consider spending time as a roving forum judge a hobby or your duty to society as a whole?

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Nailed it.

The hardest part for me is overcoming my own internalized biases. For example, I still have trouble with looking down on things that are typically coded “female”. I hate shopping, makeup, fashion, etcetc. i think hating that stuff is fine, but I definitely have to check myself a lot when I end up disdaining other women who DO enjoy those things.

It really affected my tolerance for harassment for a long time, too. I would wave it away and say “suck it up, cupcake.” because I lived with it in the military and I’m tough so more women should be tough like me. Just admitting to myself that I was looking at it wrong was a big step…and it’s a step so many men need to take, too.

Internalized bias against your own out group is strong and insidious and probably the hardest thing to overcome. I can trace my disdain for girly girls and pink shit and makeup and shopping back to my upbringing in a house that valued education and reasoning above all else. I was never taught that this was another form of misogyny.

You know what got me starting to think about it more and trying to change? Legally Blonde. I’m not kidding. It was one of the first mainstream movies with a message that you can be a smart, badass woman and still like all that stuff that I looked down on.

Anyway, now I dye my hair blue and actually own a couple dresses, but I still hate shopping. LOL


wuff-wuff! wuff-wuff!


A primary reason that women make less money and have less of a chance for a promotion is that there are gender stereotypes that they are less capable. These stereotypes persist, in part, because of men/society first judging women’s value on their looks.

So this “unimportant” stuff we’re getting hung up on is linked to the stuff you are worried about.


Yeah, those women and their opinions. AmIrIgHt!

Use your real account if you want to call someone an idiot.


Easiest wuff-wuff ever.


What do you mean?