UP's Blind Spot for Sexism and Misogyny

It was a joke.

So you propose that society can spotlight a predilection in individuals to oppress others by monitoring their particular, silly speech, and that robotic adherence to an ever-changing index of taboo terms /language homogeneity will right that wrong.

Interesting notion

What women and what opinions are u talking about?

swamp creature or whatever the entire genesis of this thread is

swamp donkey lol

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you’re upset and a bigot yourself


what about sticks and stones? is that another monument-in-platitude-form you guys want to tear down?

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u did propose shit. your proposition is that people can’t compartmentalize or reconcile expressive language with their behavior in a professional setting.

you think too little of your fellow man/ woman.

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there’s a candor that’s sacred to life. It’s seen in children. why do we cherish childhood? you want to demand a further paralyzation in adults.

I mean, we already have to carefully craft virtually everything out our mouths

Asking permission from your wife at 2-minute intervals, to ascertain if she’s ok with the natural evolution of sex that night.

and u guys wonder why the left losses elections

An absurd strawman highly unrelated to anything anyone has said and surefire evidence that you’re just here to troll and rant at the imaginary leftist Prager U put in your head.


~no one has ever done that though. I really don’t see losing ~any votes over stuff like that.

maybe it is a strawman, but it’s still evidence of the desired, absurd changes leftists want to make

the shit is literally portrayed in movies, and not as satire

right-wing forums are replete with examples true or false, and it feeds their disdain. now whether any publicity campaign can be had to change that, I doubt it.

shit man. I’m a leftist. I’ve a long record of support for what I thought the left-wing stood for, so that’s exculpatory wrt to the trolling accusation. I just cannot stomach this most recent manifestation of politics


Do you think everyone who votes Republican has to love everything every right wing person says?

How could the left be any different?

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of course not. but perspective is so influenced here - and inaccurately so - by 30-second twitter videos, that the assessments made on society are unrecognizable from other leftists that don’t consume the same media.

I voted for Clinton, Gore, Kerry, Obama and Hillary. I was a believer in unionism. The left has achieved nothing in 40 years, and is now running around like agitated ants, misdirecting their anger. The legacy of failure, followed by wtf is currently going on could not be more repulsive.

You guys think that white girl placing herself between that black boy and the cop is some profound symbolism and courageous action.

The pervasiveness of such an ill-conceived approach to coexistence with authority, imbued even in the children, is what others see.

It’s crazy that you blame that white girl for nothing getting accomplished when it was the adults in the room in the Democratic Party who abandoned unions, not for culture wars, but for Wall Street.


And it is courageous. I don’t know what incident you’re referring to, but sounds like white girl stands a fair chance of getting hit in the head with a nightstick.

And pretty sure I have an extremely ill-conceived approach to coexistence with authority, because fuck authority.

It’s not crazy. It’s tough to read, but I made my point.

While these protests were at full-froth across the nation, Chicago had 101 shootings over Father’s Day weekend, 14 resulting in death. It receives zero attention from the SJWs, and is just another incongruent feather in their cap.

40000 men and women every day. No one gives a shit about every death of every stranger. People are pissed when the police do it and for good reason. No one is going to march against…what?..most shootings are personal disputes. March against personal disputes?

And the gang/criminal violence? The protesters have better ideas to mitigate that than the police do.