UP's Blind Spot for Sexism and Misogyny

lol clearly

only the most publicized ones your lot can inaccurately attribute to the pandemic of racist cops

Of course not. It would be impossible or at least debilitating. More than one person dies per second on average.

I don’t think that’s correct.


you can justify anything, moran. you’ve dedicated your entire consciousness to that supposition since you’ve become an invalid in search of purpose

There is a pandemic of racist cops, but I hate cops killing white people too. There’s a much bigger pandemic of cops rousting and arresting people though. The killings are just galvanizing events, they aren’t the big picture.

no there is not

I think there can be no black-led movement

I cited innumerable successes within the community and how they should be used as template for wider success

Chads stfu if you cannot follow the discussion

anger is justifiable all over. is it productive?

Ok, but none of those things are the same as

He thinks there can be no black-led movement. He thinks black rage is not justified. He thinks black crime is something attributable to the content of black character.

and I just know him from here. I didn’t know him at all on 2p2.

Do you think this is productive? I don’t get why you’re acting like this, or have so little self control not to meltdown again within a week of saying you won’t be political here.

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Why do they always play the hits?

“You’re the REAL bigot!”

Lot’s of masks slipping this week.

“If we can’t call women swamp donkeys, how will candor survive???”

You’re kidding, right?

Economically, maybe. You’re clearly not progressive on social issues. So I guess your views are basically “Gimme it, it’s mine!”

I wonder why. Going to go out on a limb and guess that you’re a white male boomer?

I’m pretty sure he’s referring to a white girl, probably 12-14 years old, who ran out in front of a black boy who had jumped the fence in Lafayette Park as the cops were already coming at him, and literally got in front of him and shielded him.

She came out unscathed (as did the boy), but a night stick to the head was FAR from the worst of the possibilities.

To regard her with anything but admiration is a disgrace.

Let’s see. We’ve got you’re the real bigot, slippery slope to the death of candor, the protesters are the problem, what about the shootings in Chicago, and SJWs.

Yup that’s BINGO!!!

Oh for fucks sake, do I need to start another fucking thread?

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Sounds like he wants left wing fascism. Free stuff + straight white male privilege + law enforcement knocking heads.

Also sounds an awful lot like all of his positions are based on pure emotional feelings, rather than logic or intellectual analysis.

Ah, black on black crime. Just playing the hits, right?

Not related but I don’t like classifying a strong safety net and benefits as “free stuff”.


Ricarldo’s idea that we should focus more on real gains for women than on how we talking about them totally misses the point.

Policies are driven by culture and widely held beliefs. These propagate themselves in many ways, but fundamentally through language.

There’s a clear line between calling unattractive women swamp donkeys and all of the ways in which state and private actors discriminate against women. And it’s not like a binary “language feeds action” thing. So often the wage gap is fed by a misogynistic, hostile culture at a company. From guys casually saying shit exactly like swamp donkey.

I’m as mad as everyone that very little of real significance has happened since the Civil Rights Movement. But think for just a few seconds about everything that happened since then (redlining, white flight, segregation academies, police brutality, the war on drugs, defunding the social safety net, gentrification, etc etc), and why black people led an uprising in the streets a month ago.

Legislative fixes are not enough.

We can’t legislate a good society. We actually have to be one.


You have no clue wtf you’re talking about in regards to Chicago or much else. There have been multiple peaceful protests organized over the pst few weeks by young BLM youth from those neighborhoods where the shootings are happening with specific economic requests from them on what the city should do to help them. If you don’t think defunding police is an economic issue then I dunno what to tell you. Even then defunding the CPD is only part of it and a main way to get money flowing into those communities that have been completely ignored. The black abolitionist network is hosting mass resistance trainings all weekend in the hopes of teaching people about organization, movement building and direct action. You have to stop reading dumbass shit from right wing sources about “stupid SJWs” (guess there are a lot of black and brown SJWs in Chicago) because it doesn’t reflect on what’s happening on the ground.

It doesn’t help when our black lesbian mayor who is supposed to be progressive favors the cops so much and is sending out cops to arrest people on “drug corners” aka black and brown kids all weekend for just being out. The only thing Chicago knows is sending more police in these neighborhoods and unsurprisingly there are still all these damn shootings with children being killed. It’s pretty offensive how arrogant you are on shit you don’t know and solely bas it off of what I’m assuming are dumbass sources. But I see how you feel after posting that Chris rock video in the abolition thread, you think all these black people should just listen to the cops and it would be all good. But keep melting down it’s actually pretty funny.


I remember seeing him on an episode of Comedians in Cars Getting Coffee. Jerry is driving way too fast in a sports car and ends up getting pulled over by the police. Chris turns to Jerry and says that if he wasn’t there that he would be scared.

I mean for fuck’s sake, Chris is a famous multi-millionaire who lives in an upper-class, suburban New Jersey neighborhood. If he’s scared of police, imagine how do impoverished black men in high-crime neighborhoods feel.

When you expand that to black women in impoverished neighborhoods, it has to be even worse for very different reasons. Police don’t ignore black women when fucking with innocent people. They just want different things from them.

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I typically don’t either, but in framing someone’s views I think there’s a difference in wanting it because it’s the right thing and wanting it cause you want free stuff. Especially in trying to understand why their political beliefs are what they are.

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This is a horrible strategy of the right. Diminishing the atrocity of people paid to protect our lives killing us instead because other people murdered too.

It is an awful take and holds zero liquid.

If someone can not discern the difference it makes their intellectual capacity highly questionable. It is completely dishonest. It is either deliberate and thus evil or due to lack of capacity.