UP's Blind Spot for Sexism and Misogyny

I mean it’s better than nothing. I’m just saying when someone is defending the police and sexist words and then saying “but I’m a leftist though,” they aren’t left wing for noble reasons and it shouldn’t buy then an ounce of cred.

I understand this point, but the 30 second videos aren’t intended as proof of systemic problems (or shouldn’t be anyway). If you posted every video of a parent abusing their children and said APAB and children should all be removed from their families, that’d be wrong. And you probably find the videos about bad cops to be similar. But, it’s not. We don’t need to pay a bunch of people to ride around carrying guns who have special authority over us all.

They’re “how do you do, fellow kids”-ing.

Grunching, but did someone move the Suzzer micropenis microaggression mini-derail over here too. Seems like the best place.

You could also say that if you believe in private ownership of natural resources and that it’s legitimate to purchase people periods of time you aren’t a leftist.

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U mean 2 week intervals I hope?

Covid casualty : I rent the second floor of a ocean front mother in laws house for degenning and pokers. Every year my buddy that owns the property rents out the first floor and a sectioned off parcel of the main property to 14-18 Russ, Polish, Ukraine etc J1s. This would have been year 10.

There’s nothing like it every summer. Cloth lines full of bras n panties, Swinn bikes everywhere… ty Donald

I don’t understand American. But is this post as gross as I think it is?

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American here and don’t think I fully understand it either. I think the answer to your question is yes.


From the poster who brought us “swamp donkeys” comes the sequel, a celebration of perving on young women. I see you’ve really learned your lesson, @MikeLikesOrgies!


I love foreign women and their undergarments. Are we sex shaming now?

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I believed I used the term in singular. It was a directed at your range of potential which undoubtedly bothered u more than the term itself. This is prolly why a whole thread about it and weeks weeks later, u are still bringing it up, despite me apologizing. Let it go. Feel free to start a thread about how it’s disrespectful to like foreign women and their undergarments blowing under the gentle breeze of the Atlantic if u must, but I think it’s time u let the swamp donkey comment go. Ty MD

Are those women aged 14 to 18? Like I said. I may not have understood.

I read it as 14-18 were the number of russian/ukranian women that rent the place, not their ages.


Ah. Okay. So just normally gross and unnecessary objectification of women, not extra gross.


No. 18-25. J1 is the visa given to foreign temporary working students. They come over every normal summer and typically work 2 shit jobs while partying 6 nights a week. They tend to be attractive and well educated. I’m am told we get the best of the best because if your not rich over there, only the best get jobs that they can save enough $$ to afford airfare, visa costs , etc.

The age requirements for the J1 program are 18+ or 20+ depending n variables with an upper age limit of 35 that I never quite understood.

It’s like having the new hot girl at work or school move into the apartment next door to u.

It was quantity of guests, not ages .

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JFC girls are hot . I like them . How is that gross? Why are u responding in here and tarring up the thread anyway? I went up a pm over an hour ago to avoid your nonsense but u chose this venue instead?

I could give a fuck what you think my range is. The proof is that you’re not the first person on here to speculate that I can’t get a girl.

I do care about the community being welcoming for women, so if you’re going to insist on continuing to say sexist or skeevy stuff that makes women uncomfortable, I’m going to keep calling you out.

Also a huge lol at you thinking the singular vs plural makes a difference, what a stupid thing to say.