UP's Blind Spot for Sexism and Misogyny

I first thought that “swamp donkey” implied the woman was an easy lay, not that she was beastly looking.

The really interesting thing is by far the biggest audience for true crime is women.

Guess i’m weird then

Does the Epstein thread need some mod attention? I don’t think I have gotten any notifications about it.

Honestly no, just let them have it out. There are some deplorable views on display but we can handle it I think.

In the context of this thread, yeah probably. Just somebody trolling about hey is it really rape if she’s 16? and it goes about how you would expect that to go.

Hi Clovis, I’ve gone kind of hard on you in this thread, but I wanted to let you know that this is increasing my respect for you and leading me to feel like I was a little out of line. So, sorry about that.

On the bolded, I honestly did think twice before “white knighting” for BON there, but persuaded myself to go ahead because of the bolded in Skydiver’s post below. I’m curious to hear what the people you talked to thought as well.

To Bigoldnit, skydiver, and anyone else, feel free to let me know if I make an error like those discussed in this thread. I promise not to pull a jalfrezi.

One other thing, I think in this post:

R.C was having a go at me, not you. If so, I’m not too bothered by it.

In closing, I’d just like to add:


Not that it has to do with the sexism, but he was speaking to the type of woman he thinks I’m able to date.



I get it I guess, but my attitude toward high profile criminal cases most of the time is that they’re not more or less upsetting/important than the ones that don’t get attention. I get more upset than average about the stuff people ignore, and less upset about these high profile things than most. So it always seems kind of weird to me that people get so into that stuff. Then again, I found the documentary on the McDonalds Monopoly Scam really interesting, so I guess some true crime stories appeal to me.

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Oh, no, that was definitely directed at Clovis, because every time I’ve encountered him on the topic of politics he’s arrogant and condescending and often flat-out wrong in his bog-standard liberal self-righteousness. I don’t have much patience for people who introduce themselves to me as condescending assholes.

Hopefully some people around here know who the hell Phil Ochs is.


Oh, okay then I guess. I’ll bow out.

And yes, I think most folks know the Phil Ochs song you were referencing. It’s been posted here about a hundred times.

Thanks I appreciate the apology.

I spoke to three women I know about this and they all agreed I should probably have not answered but it was a minor infraction. As for your white knighting they thought it was fine as long as the context was people who knew each other pretty well. They thought it was better to err on the side of defending a minority in the community.

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Way to read the room.

Carry on.


Anyone else developing a mask fetish?

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No kink-shaming if you jack it to Eric Stoltz movies.

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This is for sure going to be a thing in the future.

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I had to watch that movie for a high school class.

Is this supposed to sting?

Does it matter?

It was me admitting to a mask fetish that predated covid. Or accusing you of having one. Either way I seriously doubt it could sting much.

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