UP's Blind Spot for Sexism and Misogyny

I’m gonna be glued to this thread all day. Damn it.

wil: I bet I earn more than you
LG: you’ve told us how much you earn and you don’t
wil: coward! Accept the bet!
LG: ok, if you insist but I earned more this month with my bonus than you do in a year, so you can drop the bet if you want
wil: no way! The bet stands!

We all know what happened next. Don’t be a wil. Never be a wil.

Lol you turning down the bet tells everyone all they need to know about you. You were making allegations you knew weren’t true just because it’s me, you know my post wasn’t pervy, and now you won’t take a bet laying you 4 to 1 where you need 1 person out of a few to take your side and I need to run the table.

You’re a joke.

Modest proposal: Change thread title to “Steel Cage Death Match”.

This isn’t a fair bet. To you that is.


Copied from the COVID thread after a lot of the misogyny posts were moved over here. And I agree with a lot of it.

But turning an important issue into a back-and-forth insult and challenge fest is only going to increase that 75% number that ignore this thread.


You guys should really do this and let me do some grifting on @bro’s behalf. She has like $60 in the bank. And she doesn’t know either of you and wouldn’t be biased by whatever posting has happened in the past.


These bet challenges are beyond stupid and never have a chance of happening in the first place, it’s just pointless posturing



Yeah I feel bad about that, but I’m being called a perv. I have my limits. I’d be glad to see this derail moved into a “Jalfrezi Can’t Stop Making Scurrilous Accusations” containment thread.

I think calling someone a perv over the post I made is beyond stupid, but maybe that’s just me.

I honestly dont even know the argument, dont doubt it at all, but you two need to figure this shit out because it’s getting old, just block each other or something


I ignored a few shots he took at me the last few days, I’m doing my best but if he’s determined not to drop it and just keeps taking escalating shots at me, which is clearly his intent, we’re going to be right back here over and over.

Yes it is getting old and I’m sorry for the row (I don’t apologise to cuse for applying the same standard to him he applied to another poster). It is on topic, though.

It’s just round and round like a regular carouselambra.


If it’s any consolation I’d have pointed out the same thing to any other poster. You’re taking this far too personally. Most of your reads are way off.

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Lol yeah ok sure.

The problem with it is extraneous, lustful comments don’t really have a place here.

  • In an aviation forum, it wouldn’t be cool if someone randomly interjected a long flight is better if a flight attendant is hot.
  • In a cruise ship forum, it wouldn’t be cool if someone randomly interjected that they like having a room overlooking the pool so they can stare at women from their balcony.
  • In a politics forum, it isn’t cool when someone says the major political event of the day has prevented them from leering at a group of young Euros they are accustomed to leering at.

Those sorts of comments do make women uncomfortable, even if your partner is 100% cool with it. Say it to her if you want. But it can totally make women here uncomfortable.

Women understand the fear of being leered at or threatened by men–this sort of comment leads down that path and can create the impression you’re the very type of guy who would do that to them again. And it gives the impression the men of this forum condone that sort of thing. It makes women compare themselves to the Euros you’re lusting over–what if they have body image issues, an eating disorder, or anxiety over their physical appearance?

There’s just no point, either. It’s not winning friends or contributing to the dialogue in any way. It should just stop.


Wow, I never looked at it that way. Ty for the time u put into your response, it’s appreciated. I see your side of it. My apologies if I gave any female members the willies. I honestly was just thinking of better times when I posted that. Like actual being able to run Or play in poker games and actually having non deplorable foreign people to interact with .

Thx again for your time and HONEST response .


Owner of our company made a “joke” about women slowing down golf leagues. I said nothing like a coward. What would y’all have done?

As a golfer that one’s tough. This is a thing, and it basically comes back to inexperienced golfers tend to have bad etiquette and play slowly. Women are more likely to be inexperienced golfers because men have tried to keep them away from golf for decades.

So, it’s true that women are more likely to be slower than men, but it’s because men in golf over the last 50 years have been sexist and made it unwelcoming and put up barriers. Thus a randomly selected group of women is more likely to be inexperienced at golf than a randomly selected group of men.

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