UP's Blind Spot for Sexism and Misogyny

I am shocked, SHOCKED I tell you, that jalfrezi managed to take an indirect shot at me in there with an indirect accusation that I’m some kind of peeping tom.

Now he’s probably going to be all, “Oh, gee, I wasn’t referring to you,” like he doesn’t know that I just got a pool put in and referenced it in this conversation as an example of a way to speak about attractive women without objectifying them.

You want to call me out, do it by name. Like this: @Jalfrezi you’re a sniveling coward and a waste of space on this forum. I’ve tried to avoid directing anything at you for a few days but you’re too petty to avoid taking a shot at me every chance you get. I’ve ducked a couple of them for the good of the forum to avoid derails, but you’re crossing the line. Fuck you. Keep my name out of your fucking mouth you piece of shit.

That’ll be the last thing I ever post directed at @Jalfrezi if he can avoid taking shots at me every chance he gets. I’m capable of being mature, I get along with people I’ve argued with in the past, but if he’s going to keep throwing shade at me every fucking day, we’re going to have problems.

Is this the thread for taking shots at people now? I envision cuserounder and suzzer as being the exact same person physically with different views and opinions.

He took a shot at me, I had ignored a couple since our big mudslinging slugfest the other day, but I’m not going to let him call me a perv and try to hide behind not using my name directly. I’m capable of letting something go, but not if the other poster is going to drag me through the mud every couple days while I try to sit quietly by.

That’s fine I was just hoping to take shots at others too


Nope. Because you always take such a high line in self righteousness I’m going to call you out on your hypocrisy every time I see it.


When you call someone sleazy for perving at women’s underwear on a washing line you’d better be ok with being called sleazy for perving at the underwear’s owners every day.

I guess now you’ll claim you were just showing an appreciation of the aesthetic beauty of the scene from your window, much as a landscape artist might.

If you’re confident that I’m a waste of space here, build another of your polls for me to be banned.

Is this a serious post? It is lacking an incredible amount of nuance if so.


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You hate me so much you make a fool of yourself over and over. If you’re so blinded by hate that you can’t see the difference between calling women beautiful in a respectful way and perving on them, do yourself a favor and stop embarrassing yourself.


I don’t hate you at all but I have to say I don’t like your hypocrisy and your self righteousness.

I don’t have to restrain myself from trying to dunk on you, as you admitted you do, which is hatred. More hypocrisy. Where does it end?

No you just take the shots anyway, and I try to resist responding to them. No need to try to resist something if you do it anyway.

Well we obviously see events differently, so best let this one slide.

“I called you a perv, but we see events differently so we best just let it slide.”

Fuck off.

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Instead, how about a bet @Jalfrezi. If any of our female regs agree with you that I’m pervy for the post you quoted from, I’ll issue you an apology on here and donate $50 to a charity trying to help more women get into politics (Emily’s List, She Should Run, etc).

If none of them think it’s pervy, you issue me an apology on here and you make the $50 donation to one of those organizations.

Obviously it’s up to the female posters whether or not they want to get involved.

Here’s the post in question:

The two sides of this bet are not equal and dragging people in to adjudicate who may already decided not to participate is pretty awful imo.

You need to calm down a bit.

You might notice one day that no matter how many more times you tell me to fuck off it’s not happening, and you only end up dazed and confused. There’s no need to ramble on about it. We will never be friends because both of us give no quarter.

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That’s correct, I offered you terms where you win if ANY of them think I’m a perv, I need ALL of them to say I’m not. As for dragging people in, I specified that it would be up to them whether or not they want to get involved.

Jal: You’re a perv, let’s agree to disagree on that.
Me: How about a bet with neutral arbiters?
Jal: Now, now, calm down! No need to ramble on about my calling you a perv.

You ran your mouth with bullshit claims, you got called out for it, and now you’re too chicken shit to take a bet on it, even for a small amount of money.

Stop embarrassing yourself.

This obviously is not a “pervy” statement. I think someone might be projecting their own behavior under similar circumstances.

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Enough. Ramble on bro.

I don’t feel it’s down to a communication breakdown, or that it’s nobody’s fault but mine.

Damnit, twice I picked songs that you had used and wanted a new one, but, hey hey, what can I do?