UP's Blind Spot for Sexism and Misogyny

Or how about you don’t talk about sex on an internet board about politics? Know your audience.

Or at least put it in the sex thread and Clovis will probably let you know what is and isn’t appropriate pretty quick.


Not getting involved in the current frackas, but this gimmick has potential.

Yeah, I mean it definitely seems pretty sketchy at the very least. Like, whether it’s a consent problem depends on what he’s thinking/doing, and it’s just a whole other discussion and argument. I think most women probably would not want their neighbor spending any time staring at their underwear on the clothesline, but I’m guessing most would just find it weird if that’s all that happened.

He must have me on ignore, I guess

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I never said there were. There are about 300 people in this community, though, probably even more now… I don’t know everyone’s gender, there is one poster who is a woman who I have forgotten was a woman a couple times then remembered. I thought someone in this thread was, but now I’m thinking I had them mixed up. I feel bad about that, but like I said I can’t keep all 300 accounts straight all the time.

I used the term “women” because I thought there were multiple women in this thread calling you out. I apologized if I was wrong, because I’m a grown up and can do so, even if it has nothing to do with the point of all of this. Now you’re just trying to distract from the issue at hand.

I are too confused to know what you’re saying?

I would accept and take all your money. I’d also accept a heads up poker challenge, since we’re talking about HU4ROLLZ.


Seems fine.

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Don’t be, I live with a physical woman, so I don’t have to stare at her underwear and dream.

To be fair, it’s easy to see how this misunderstanding happened. When you described renting a floor of a house for “degenning and pokers” and other “late night shanaagins” I also pictured this as a group of friends playing poker and drinking and partying. It’s a reasonable inference.

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When did I mention or talk about sex?

I have no one on ignore . What’s up?

Playing poker , drinking and partying is a fair assessment . That’s not what he posted. He said I was drinking w buddies staring down at them. That’s was not in my post. Every time they stop getting attention, they add their own twists, or as cuse calls them “ reads” to the story.

I cringed a little when I first read your post, Mike, but rationalised it as an unusual kink as long as it stays in your head and doesn’t develop into full blown Arnold Layne syndrome. Whether it belongs on this forum where it potentially makes women feel uncomfortable is another question.

Self-righteous people who pick Mike up on this but perv out of their windows at women in the swimming pool below every day are worse because of the hypocrisy imo, but that’s to be expected in this thread.


What exactly made u cringe?

For the record, I’ve never stolen dirty clothes off a line. I always thought ALS was something else.

Mainly that it’s a mixed forum, not a locker room or a boys night out.

So what exactly about my post bothered u ? What does it being a mixed forum have to do w it?

It shouldn’t have to be explained to you that people don’t like being objectified via their bodies or garments.

Okie dokie.

The word is “you” as in “Y-O-U”. Not “u”.

Aside from the content of the posting being bad, it’s actually frustrating simply to read the words because of all the "u"s and "w"s and weird capitalization and punctuation.