UP's Blind Spot for Sexism and Misogyny

Woof woof woof! Rrr-woof!

No, I’m pretty sure if I was, Clovis would be yelling at me by now.

I don’t stop to rub one out, dude. Nor does it turn me on hanging on a clothesline. It’s a piece of clothing. If the woman I’m with puts it on when she’s going out with me, that’s hot, especially because she wanted to put that effort in at the beginning of the night, which indicates her desire.

Putting it on the clothesline just means she was doing laundry.

I do lack confidence around women the first couple of dates and have to fake it until I can tell they’re interested. So you got exactly one thing right in your read, good job!

I don’t even know if Mike realizes there are women posting in this thread tonight, based on his responses.

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And if he does, I guess that answers T50’s question. Of course, what Mike doesn’t realize is when he’s in a mixed gender group talking like this, all the women are cringing and hoping he just goes away.

I notice he hasn’t answered my post yet, though, so maybe you’re right.


I understood the problem w the swamp donkey comment. I saw cuse POV and apologized. I assumed it was the end of it as most adults move on.

As far as missing an atmosphere where bras and panties hang on clothesline, could u and only u , please explain how this is “ pervy “. I even mentioned this comment to my life partner and she told me there’s always next summer so, yes I do talk like this in front of females and I’m generally applauded for my candor and bluntness . They thank me for not being fake.
I’m asking u to dissect my comment because u seem level headed. Cuse , Rudbgy etc have both attached ridiculous, disgusting additions to my original post drinking w buddies looking down on them and other speculative , immature garbage but they get passes?

Is MikeLikesOrgies from 2p2?

I don’t stop to rub one out, dude. Nor does it turn me on hanging on a clothesline. It’s a piece of clothing. If the woman I’m with puts it on when she’s going out with me, that’s hot, especially because she wanted to put that effort in at the beginning of the night, which indicates her desire.

Again. This is gross. Who said anything about stopping aand rubbing one out? Oh u did. Does your initial qualm w me not have enough traction so u just keep adding to it ?

Oh and I might add that while you accused me of starting this, @MikeLikesOrgies, I was not the first to point it out. I followed the lead of someone else who called you out, and lent my support so they weren’t standing up alone.

While I would have been happy to be first and take the accusation, aka credit, for standing up, the fact that you gave it to me instead is just another little microcosm of this even though you clearly don’t get why.

The person that called it out is too dumb to know what a J1 is. He called me out because he thought 14-18 was their ages when it was in fact the amount of girls that bunk there . He called me out for something that wasn’t accurate. U have read the fukking thread. U know this yet u saw it as an opportunity to bring up 2 weeks ago.

Yeah I weighed the pros and cons of that. I decided drawing attention to the reason your language was problematic by connecting it to the type of behavior it evokes was a good reason to say it, and thus decided to go ahead and illustrate the problem in a way that would embarrass you for your opinion on this.

Hopefully it didn’t offend any women, if so I’ll adjust in the future. The goal was just to shame you and make a point, though, I can assure everyone.

Wherein Mike has women in this thread telling him why it’s pervy, and asks a man to mansplain it anyway.

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At this point u are just being dishonest Cuse.

I think most of the men on here cringe when you post stuff like this also. I know I have. It’s also ok to just admit you were wrong and move on. Literally every poster on this forum has probably made bad posts or acted like a dick before. It happens and normally isn’t the end of the world but doubling down on it like it seems like you are here is not a good look.


The person who called you out on it was not dumb. The person who called you out on it said it went beyond 14-18 not being their ages, and that that only made it slightly less pervy. I’ll let the person who called you out on it explain to you the rest of what you got wrong there if they feel like it.

An important part of moving on is making an effort not to repeat it in the future, though. Improving bad behavior is important, especially when it comes to stuff like racism or sexism.

U and Rugby are the only 2 calling it pervy You are both female ? If not , women are not calling me out , maybe just one womAn. Why do u always struggle w the difference between singular and plural. Maybe because u err to the side of posting dishonestly when it doesn’t do well ? U are a brat . Lol

Challenge him to HU4ROLLZ

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I agree and if that wasn’t made clear with the last sentence about not doubling down I edited my previous post to make that slightly more clear.

I think peeping at someones underpants drying seems like a bit of a consent problem to me but I am a dumb guy and will fully admit I try and steer way away from the line on these topics because I know I am.


Maybe there is only one woman in here calling you out. I may have mixed up the gender of one of the people in this thread, my bad if so. I can’t always keep 300 people straight, but I think there is another woman in the mix in here. If not, me saying “women” instead of “woman” because I was wrong about that really isn’t the point here.

Never mind the fact that there are plenty of accounts here on UP in general who I don’t think have ever declared themselves to be men or women, and naturally we all assume they’re all men because we’re a sexist community.

Also I’m pretty sure more than two people are insinuating that it’s pervy, even if they’re using different words. I’m not interested in a semantics argument, I’m just interested in this community not accepting misogyny, sexism, or any behavior that generally would make women uncomfortable to be a part of the community.

I’m glad to see a lot of people chimed in on this and called you out. It’s unfortunate that you don’t see the issue here, which probably means we’ll be doing this again sometime soon.

There are not 300 people calling me out. U used the term “ womEn” to enhance your argument. I are too dishonest to admit that was your plan? I would heads upforrollz u on a lie detector to this very question. I have golf to steam . Have a good night and I will respond tomorrow.