Ukraine War: Discussion

You are such a gallant and brave poster on the internet. I can you hear you roar right through the tubes.

Uh, what? I think you’re gravely misunderstanding my position. I agree completely.

Okay, now we’re at the stage where you suck at reading and also deciding to be an asshole for no reason.

Cool posting.

At least I’m not such a coward that I am out here questioning giving people weapons to fight back when their neighbors are being raped, killed and thrown in ditch because the “US has no legitimate interest in such a thing and thus even a trivial chance of blowback on me is unacceptable.”

Trivially low bar, I know, but you’d be shocked at what cowards some people are.

But I’m not saying the US supporting Ukraine is bad for Ukraine. I’m saying it’s bad for the US.

And I’m not naïve enough to think we don’t do this ALL THE FUCKING TIME all over the world and the only difference this time is the propaganda you all have been swallowing by the gallons.

Everyone got to be indignant. Thread status: success


But basically every historical example (France supporting American colonists, USA supporting Afghanistan, Soviets supporting North Vietnam) actually worked out great for the country supporting the guerillas/freedom fighters and poorly for the power directly involved in the conflict, and they never really got that close to a direct confrontation much less a nuclear exchange.

France and Britain were in direct confrontation. Not really relevant though.

The difference between Vietnam and Afghanistan and Ukraine is that Vietnam and Afghanistan didn’t really brush up against core American and Soviet interests. They were kind of discretionary wars. Does Russia view loss of control of Crimea the same way that the US viewed losing Vietnam? I don’t think so.

Hot take but I think destroying dams is bad, except when the ents do it.


Stop making the systemic rape, torture and murder of the Ukranian people your soapbox for other issues, it’s fucking disgusting.

People agree that our current support of the Saudis, the Iraq War, the Vietnam War, etc. are horrible so what is your problem? That they don’t agree hard enough?

I take issue with the part of your post that the US has any responsibility for Maidan. Pro-democracy NGOs and US ambassadors emailing people are trivial factors that exist everywhere at all times that the coward losers like to cling in order to confirm their “every bad thing that happens in the world was ultimately caused by the US” world view.

Whatever, I find everybody jerking off on war porn in this thread (or the other thread) disgusting.

You are such a big tough internet poster. So much Pwn… Why don’t you go over there and fight if it’s such a good cause?

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Nope. Read better. I don’t assert that the US is responsible for Maidan.

I said, “The main question of responsibility for the US is then to what extent we aided Maidan.”

Your answer can be “none,” and not disagree with my statement at all.

To plop that back into the context of the post, I’m saying that “If you think Ukrainians would have been better off if we had tried to make Ukraine a Belarus-style puppet state, then your objections to the US’s actions are limited to any involvement we may have had in Maidan, because after that point the ship had already sailed.” If you disagree with that, then confront it head on.

But I think you understood that and are backtracking into semantical quibbles because you shot from the hip in a rage over the general pro-Russian argument in the thread. Just admit that and we’re cool.

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I’ve been LMFAO every time somebody posts about how much you hate the US military. :slight_smile:

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People like me would literally just be a useless waste of space that would get in the way. I’m not that tough or brave, well at least I thought I wasn’t until people started arguing against arming people who are being raped and murdered because they lose sleep over the idea of being nuked in response.

Nope, it is was that line plus you saying earlier it was a 51/49 decision earlier to arm Ukrainians that caused me to respond. The Ukranians made a clear eyed decision to fight on their own and once they did it was clearly correct to arm them.

Cool story brah. Maybe we should arm Yeminis? Or better yet, stop arming the people raping and murdering them. Wonder why the propaganda machine that you’re eating up isn’t so concerned about whipping you up about that cause? You should wonder too. Hint: The US propaganda/war machine doesn’t give two shits more about the plight of ordinary Ukrainians than it does about the plight of ordinary Yeminis. Why the big stink about Ukraine then? It’s not about FREEDOM and human rights, I can tell you that for sure.

Nobody cares what that Captains think. Why are “the powers that be” so concerned about the plight of ordinary Ukrainians and not ordinary Yeminis? Why does their propaganda machine insist that the rape and murder of Ukrainians is totally unacceptable, as we arm the perpetrators doing the same to Yeminis. Don’t give me this bullshit about Captains. You’re the fools being taken for a ride here.