Ukraine Invasion 2: no more Black Sea fleet for you

Yet another instance of Russia blowing up or bombing infrastructure it controls and benefits from. Truly they are madmen.

Unsurprising to you preemptively defend this.

But of course, not defending, just whatabouting, or whatever.

Thanks for your input.

They are on the nasty side.

General Sergey Surovikin said that Russia’s long-term plans for Kherson depend on a complex military-tactical situation. He did not rule out “difficult decisions.”

Source: Zelensky says Russia is preparing a terrorist attack on Kakhovka dam — Meduza

Surovikin’s nickname is “The Butcher of Syria”. Meanwhile

88 posts were merged into an existing topic: Ukraine War: “Pro-Russia” derail

A post was merged into an existing topic: Ukraine War: “Pro-Russia” derail

What Russia is doing meets the strictest definition of genocide, which is primarily about intent, in this case, the elimination of Ukraine and Ukrainian culture, and not extent, it that it is still genocide even if you only manage to exterminate a few thousand before being stopped.

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Similarly, although I know that individual US missile strikes in the Middle East sometimes kill scores of innocent civilians (due to either bad intel or hubris), is this really comparable to rounding up civilians, massacring them and dumping them in mass graves?

Right, I don’t get why the Russians would blow up this dam though. I’m not saying they wouldn’t blow up a dam if it suited their military situation, but blowing up this particular dam seems like it would hurt them. It would flood bridges they’re depending on to supply their troops in Kherson, and maybe flood some of their positions. And it would make cooling the nuclear power plant they control more difficult or maybe impossible, I don’t know.

On October 19, The American Institute for the Study of War wrote in an analytical report that Russia was likely preparing to damage the Kakhovka dam and lay the blame for it on Ukraine.

It’s believable that Russia would do such a thing, despite it seeming to have a low chance of fooling anyone.

If it helps them, sure. But it helps Ukraine’s military situation and hurts Russia’s!

How does hostage taking square with the Russians evacuating civilians from Kherson?

I have no idea what the likely military outcome of the war is, let alone in this sector or that sector.


Blowing the dam, he said, would also destroy the water supply to Crimea and thus show that Russia had accepted that it could not hold onto the peninsula.

yeah man, makes total sense.

Well, when literally everyone from different countries and media organizations with people in Ukraine is saying that the Russians will do it, but the Russians say that the Ukrainians will do it, there really is no way to know which claim is more likely to be true, is there?

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Not if Russia does not think that they can continue to hold Kherson

Sure there is. Figure out who will benefit by the thing being done.

Kinda hard to do that when you adamantly refuse to consider anything that the “The Russians are going to do it” side is saying about how it will benefit the Russians.

As far as I can see no one has actually articulated how it will benefit the Russians!

Is emotional satisfaction a benefit?

From your own link

Destroying the Kakhovka hydro-electric power plant would also add to Ukraine’s energy woes after weeks of Russian missile strikes aimed at generation and grid facilities which Kyiv said have damaged a third of its country-wide power network.

Not to mention that it lays to waste land Russia is unlikely to be able to hold, destroying things out of spite. It may also make it more difficult for Ukrainian forces to cross the Dnipro and press further into occupied territory.

All this stuff has been posted