Ukraine War: Discussion

Whatever, I find everybody jerking off on war porn in this thread (or the other thread) disgusting.

You are such a big tough internet poster. So much Pwn… Why don’t you go over there and fight if it’s such a good cause?

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Nope. Read better. I don’t assert that the US is responsible for Maidan.

I said, “The main question of responsibility for the US is then to what extent we aided Maidan.”

Your answer can be “none,” and not disagree with my statement at all.

To plop that back into the context of the post, I’m saying that “If you think Ukrainians would have been better off if we had tried to make Ukraine a Belarus-style puppet state, then your objections to the US’s actions are limited to any involvement we may have had in Maidan, because after that point the ship had already sailed.” If you disagree with that, then confront it head on.

But I think you understood that and are backtracking into semantical quibbles because you shot from the hip in a rage over the general pro-Russian argument in the thread. Just admit that and we’re cool.

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I’ve been LMFAO every time somebody posts about how much you hate the US military. :slight_smile:

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People like me would literally just be a useless waste of space that would get in the way. I’m not that tough or brave, well at least I thought I wasn’t until people started arguing against arming people who are being raped and murdered because they lose sleep over the idea of being nuked in response.

Nope, it is was that line plus you saying earlier it was a 51/49 decision earlier to arm Ukrainians that caused me to respond. The Ukranians made a clear eyed decision to fight on their own and once they did it was clearly correct to arm them.

Cool story brah. Maybe we should arm Yeminis? Or better yet, stop arming the people raping and murdering them. Wonder why the propaganda machine that you’re eating up isn’t so concerned about whipping you up about that cause? You should wonder too. Hint: The US propaganda/war machine doesn’t give two shits more about the plight of ordinary Ukrainians than it does about the plight of ordinary Yeminis. Why the big stink about Ukraine then? It’s not about FREEDOM and human rights, I can tell you that for sure.

Nobody cares what that Captains think. Why are “the powers that be” so concerned about the plight of ordinary Ukrainians and not ordinary Yeminis? Why does their propaganda machine insist that the rape and murder of Ukrainians is totally unacceptable, as we arm the perpetrators doing the same to Yeminis. Don’t give me this bullshit about Captains. You’re the fools being taken for a ride here.

The case for arming the Ukranians is clear cut so I am open to the idea of arming the Yemenis if you are saying it’s the same. Is it your position that we should? MBS is a sick fuck that we definitely should not have armed, I know that.

We should certainly stop arming the Saudis. And we should question WHY we care so much about Ukraine and not a damn about so many others. I mean I know why we (the ordinary people) do, there is a full court propaganda press ongoing. But why? Do you actually think we (as a nation) care about the human rights and suffering of Ukrainians? And why care so much about them but not all the other people suffering the same fate, some of which are suffering at the hands of countries that we actually support?

At the time US was involved in Vietnam, the people in power did believe it to be about core American interests. I don’t think domino theory was some cynical ploy, it’s what those guys in the JFK / LBJ years actually believed. I just don’t see why Ukraine is any more a core Russian interest other than being on the border, or why the Russians would go into global nuclear war this time when the whole USSR was rolled back without nuclear war.

I think people are passionate about the Ukranians because it is such an obvious and shocking affront where the issues are crystal clear.

As obviously bad as invading another country is, if Russia had immediately taken Kyiv and overthrown the government then maybe the loser coward position would be given more credence and there would be more reason to be cynical. Maybe it’s another civil war fueled by sectarian differences, the Ukranian people don’t really care and are caught up in a proxy war, both sides are bad, power hungry leaders are getting people killed for non-sense, etc.? But nothing like that is the case here.

wtf, I didn’t say that shit

You are right, I confused you with someone else on the 51/49. My bad.

This is the tell y’all. Right here is the parroted viewpoint that is short and succint and generates discussion.
This is the trolling tell, no need to go further as this is legit 100% a troll post.

Been wondering the same thing.

I have heard that it doesn’t matter who a new user is or was.

It’s against forum rules to wonder that.