Ukraine War: Discussion

A civil war is vastly different from a foreign invasion.

Nice try!

Is that a capitulation or just getting your ass completely kicked though?

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Having your home soil invaded is generally not an amazing state of affairs regardless of whether you capitulate or not.

The Warsaw Pact invasion of Czechoslovakia is a pretty good example of where simply capitulating led to a better long-term outcome than fighting would have done.


I am glad the Confederacy surrendered to prevent a war. Can you imagine? That would have been a bloody mess.


Iā€™m definitely willing to admit I am wrong but the US South is a total shithole. No one thinks that is a result of them getting their assess kicked in the Civil War(and civil rights movement?).

I feel like some of you have not driven through the south itā€™s one of the worst places on earth. And I mean that seriously. There are tons of ā€œpoorā€ places all over the world that are standard deviations better than Montgomery and the like.

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The opposite. Subjugating them harder and punishing people like REL would have done wonders for the morale of people of color and the north in general.

The mistake was acting like the slave owners deserved a voice after they were military losers.


Like we litetally left a anti-American faction since the civil war guys. This idea that we are like the worst of the world baddies is not based in reality. The fact that happened is literally now coming home to roost in the next couple years.

Give me an example of where it worked out well to capitulate and maybe your homework asisgnment will be worth it to me?

As well as the fact that Andrew Johnson did everything in his power to weaken or reverse post-war policies in place to protect former slaves.

Processing: do61c.jpgā€¦

You think the US is literally the worst of the worst? I peronallty think they suck and are well below median but you have to be a complete uninformed moron to think the US is literally as bad as it gets.

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From a meta perspective countries ā€œcapitulateā€ all the time. Canada and Mexico are keenly aware of Americaā€™s interests because America is the big guy in the neighborhood. Itā€™s a bit of both, America doesnā€™t rule Mexico or Canada with an iron fist and America placates both to keep them in its orbit but America is the dominate one in the relationship. Of course countries fall out of other countriesā€™ orbits when they get better offers and Ukraine was getting better offers in NATO and the EU.


How ironicā€¦

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Honest question because I donā€™t know the answer, but has any other military killed as many civilians as the USA in the 21st century?

Dear God people, how many times do the mods need to excise this steaming shit of a conversation to the contamination thread before you keep it there?


But who are the baddiest baddies?

uhhhā€¦ what? Eastern europe was destroyed three times during world war 2.

What is the irony?

yeah, because they were destroyed during the war (the last time by the soviets). good grief

The irony is that Keeed actually cares about lots of people being genocided, including people genocided by the US. (Using the very loose definition of genocide adopted within this thread.)