Tofu Sucks - Or Does It? It does.

My vegetarian daughter absolutely loves this Sesame Tofu - I sub tofu in for chicken. I think it’s OK. Vegetarian kid is tough as I can’t make stuff too spicy.

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I made tofu baby back ribs a few years back. Looked legit. Tasted not so much but I had people on Instragram saying they look great before I revealed it was tofu.

Recently, I got some Hondashi bonito flakes to make miso soup. I used to make miso soup all the time, I love it. Maybe went a little overboard on the tofu, but I was cropdusting for like 4 hours afterward. That never used to happen. It sucked. I’ve been making miso soup without tofu now and adding bell pepper and brocolli and it’s much better now.


Tell me you don’t know how to cook without telling me; a thread.

Had to look it up since nowhere does anyone here even say what tofu is. I knew it was some kind of soy product and ofc I’ve had it any number of times. As an ingredient it’s fine.

The earliest documentation of the word in English is towfu , in a 1770 letter from the English merchant James Flint to Benjamin Franklin.

That Franklin dude sure got around.

Maybe just add a link to the Fast Food thread?

I’m making stir fry with tofu tonight. You’re getting a step by step guide.


I bookmarked this post of yours from the Cooking Good Food thread and a few months later finally got around to trying to fry it like you said and it made me do a complete 180 on tofu so hopefully you convert a few more haters.


i thought people were joking at first. everyone still hates tofu?

Black pepper and sesame tofu w ginger, garlic, and lemongrass. Plus asparagus and sushi rice.

Wife is flipping you the bird, because. Sup haters?


People hating tofu is usually kind of like people hating beer on the basis of trying one room temperature Budweiser. They’ve just had bad tofu.

Filipino tofu dish.

Tokwa’t baboy (literally tofu and pork)

All very fried. Typically with a spicy vinegar dunking sauce.

Pretty good bar snack.


i mean if you can turn tofu into something tasty by all means that’s great

i’m guessing i’d still prefer something else instead of tofu

It does seem like a lot of work.

Agadashi tofu also great dish that is probably easy to make if you know how to make things

I think of tofu as more of a textural component that can absorb flavor.

I’m a tofu lover and I agree with this sentiment. Tofu is not my favorite food. But I like to eat different things.

This is my biggest/only issue with tofu. For most of my preparations I have to press the moisture out of it first, which is a pain in the ass.

Yeah I do the routine with the plates (I actually use baking sheets because as long as I’m cooking it I make a bunch). Not the worst task ever, but still kind of a pain.

I’ve got setting a stack of books on tofu to press it near the top of my list of first world problems.

  1. Salt firm or extra firm tofu on all sides with my hands. This is the cheap organic firm shit from Costco.

  1. Wrap in paper towel. Put a plate on top and bottom. Press with something heavy.

  1. Cube. Non-alch IPA optional.

  1. Toss with corn starch, salt and pepper. I usually use more corn starch but ran out last night.

  1. Cook in oil with a high smoke point on high. I used grape seed oil about 1/4” deep.

  1. Brown on all sides. I don’t use a timer but ~20-30 min.

  1. Toss in sauce of your choice for ~30 seconds. I used Trader Joe’s Soyaki.

Random pic of it

  1. I immediately remove it from heat and throw it in my fried rice and stir fry veggies