Tofu Sucks - Or Does It? It does.

Having a Chinese girlfriend has made me realize there is an entire universe of tofu I knew almost nothing about, despite being an off and on vegetarian for years. For example, entire dishes of tofu skin that you would think are wheat noodles. There are many ways to prepare each individual type, too.

Also, Chinese people rarely use tofu as a pure meat substitute like we do, from what I can tell. It’s very common to have tofu as the protein base but it’s a meat seasoned dish.

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This is the proper way to use tofu.

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Yeah, definitely firm tofu for the win. Only communists eat soft.

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Soft tofu and silken tofu are different.

Indeed. Mapo tofu is the gold standard IMO.


That’s probably why every time I eat a tofu dish, I think to myself, “This would be a lot better without the tofu”.


I did not have tofu on my card as the crisis that was going to test the new mods.

Time for one of the new mods to extract this tofu stuff as their first act


15 reasons why this tofucron crisis will prove bad for biden in 22

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Me and my family eat 73 gallons of tofu every week like a normal family, and before Joe Biden was “President” (NOT MY PRESIDENT!) we paid 4 cents a pound for tofu and now it’s $5,000 per pound and I don’t know how we’re supposed to afford rent next month.


Which is worst?

  • Tofu
  • McRib
  • Beets
  • Rotting Herring

0 voters

Man it’s real close between rotting herring and tofu. I haven’t had rotting herring before tho so I picked that but am quite prepared to be wrong.

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Beets do not belong on this list. Shame.

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at least rotting fish is great fertilizer. all that nitrogen. tofu is absolutely useless.

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my favorite dish in Davis (which doesn’t say much as it’s a shitty food town) is Mapo Tofu from one of the Chinese places here.

i have no idea what’s a good recipe for it, but it’s delicious. also i’m used to having tofu as a meat substitute which a lot of the times misses the mark with me. this one isn’t a vegan dish. my place makes it with ground pork i see that it’s traditionally made with ground beef.

anyway try it if you find a recipe that looks doable.

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oh look at me grunching like a moron

Great minds think alike.

Here is my go to recipe for mapo tofu. Couldn’t be any simpler, but you will most likely have to go to a very good supermarket or a Chinese grocer to get proper broad bean paste. Even in Toronto the “normal” grocery stores will not have this.


The only form of tofu I can’t rock with:

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i will totally not make it but think about making it one day and do nothing about it