Cooking Good Food - Ramens of the day

What ambient temperature is it rated upto? I’d be nervous about cooking the electronics.

I use one of these types of thermometers:

Very accurate, remains in the food while cooking and 20% of the cost of wireless models.

Just combined a few recipes and made the best tofu of my life. Crispy on the outside. Firm on the inside


I can never get my tofu crispy, very jealous.

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Nice. What’s your tofu technique?

I take extra firm tofu, squeeze out the water, cut into one inch cubes, lightly coat them with oil, then cover them with a mix of cornstarch and spices, place on a baking tray with parchment paper, bake at 400 for 35 minutes flipping them half way through. They end up pretty crispy and tasty with softness in the middle, but I’m always looking to upgrade my technique.


This is the first time I’ve tried this particular method. I just combined all the best things I’ve read and tried.

  1. Salted a block of firm tofu.
  2. Rubbed the salt all over with my hands to really work it in.
  3. Pressed for 30 minutes.
  4. Cubed
  5. Tossed in 1 cup of cornstarch (seemed like an excessive amount). Added S&P to the mix.
  6. Pan fried over med high in grapeseed oil (high smoke point).
  7. Drained.
  8. Made a stir fry sauce from scratch for the tofu only. Soy sauce, corn starch, honey, minced ginger, minced garlic and crushed red pepper.
  9. Coated the fried tofu well and drained off the excess sauce.

Pretty sure I’m only making tofu this way going forward. I’ve never gotten a really crispy result baking.


We make this nearly identically every week. After step 5 we sift the tofu to remove excess cornstarch. Toss in celery for crunch when glazing tofu.

Serve w brown rice and bok choy. Garnish w togarashi and sesame seeds.

@Trolly i remember you had this same comment a while back. Maybe I’m over simplifying it, but this process shouldn’t steer you wrong.


Yorkshire pudding is so awesome. I need to make that again. It’s so good but sets off my smoke detectors every time. Lol

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kinda off topic but i don’t get how people live with these here (and i guess Canada are the same). Mine went off so many times cooking i just took it off.

Signed up for a summer vegetable CSA. Everyone says it will be too much food for one person. Planning to lean hard on my freezer.

They gave out some winter greens the other day. I did this with the Russian red kale and carrots …


That’s gorgeous.

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I made a frittata for the first time the other day. It did… not look that good.

Heading to dinner tomorrow - what would you order?

I think we’re going 1. Crudo 2. Radish 3. Puttanesca (this one is tough) 4. Skirt steak.

Do you have to get one of each? Idk it all sounds good although I definitely support the crudo out of the first group.

Oh wait you’re in Phoenix! I used to live in that area but that restaurant wasn’t there yet. Where else are you eating? It’s been a while but I may have some suggestions if needed. Lux for coffee if you can.

No I just broke it up like that. Crudo is a guarantee with the 90 degree heat.

Looks good, I’d prob add a Pork Belly “for the table”


buttered radishes sounds boring. i’d take the carrots. this is heavily middle eastern (i never even seen dukkah in the US), so usually when i see such a specific dish in a restaurant i assume someone knows what he’s doing here. also i’m a big labaneh fan.

i’d go with the same for the rest of the dishes.

gotta say though this menu is really out there with middle eastern stuff, italian stuff, asian stuff. weird mix, even though each dish sounds delicious by itself.

also i haven’t been in a real restuarant in so long i spent time giving my input on the menu order of a dude on an internet forum.

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Man, that menu bothers me. Like, on the one hand, they leave out a ton of words (fingerling what, motherfuckers?!) but then their description of the accompaniments to the buttered radishes begins “radish, butter.” Either pretentiously leave out key words, or don’t. Pick one!

That said, the crudo looks to be one of the more interesting things on the menu, but I don’t like raw scallops. I’d probably go with the carpaccio myself. Skirt steak with both chimichurri and horseradish seems like they should have just picked one or the other. I might lean towards the pork chop if it’s a bone in rib chop. Pork belly and carrots look pretty good, too.

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I’ve gotten take out but mostly from the same places. I’ve been reading this menu over and over again like it’s a recently found Dead Sea scroll or something. Also when I realized where I was I started thinking about the area since I’m familiar with it.

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Also seems like there’s a good chance you get a whole new menu tomorrow.

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