Tofu Sucks - Or Does It? It does.

I don’t know how that’s any more or less work than cooking a piece of beef or something else that used to have a pulse. The resistance to a plant based diet from supposed progressives will never not blow my mind.

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Not sure I’d buy an embalming text book used.

The tofu looks good though.


The resistance, as you put it, is basically due to taste.

I’m not sure if I qualify as progressive, but I absolutely agree that being 100% plant based is superior for several reasons. I just can’t bring myself to do it. It’s more a will power problem than an intellectual dispute.

Theres also this weird machismo about it. There are a million lazy jokes with some version of

  • tofu tastes ike garbage
  • vegans are weird
  • soy or almond milk implys weakness.
  • eating bacon and steak makes you manly.

I grew up making those jokes. But I have no idea where they came from or what sustains them

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Sure, but I was talking about the “resistance…from supposed progressives” that jwax was referring to. I’ve never heard them say any of those things except the first one (and it’s never quite that blunt).

You’ve never heard a progressive say any of those things? I’m pretty sure I’ve heard every non vegetarian man I know say at least half of them.

Maybe I’m defining progressive differently.

Or perhaps, I’m just thinking of the non-idiot progressives.

My point is more so that progressives should be on board with a plant based diet for a million reasons I’ve beaten into the ground. It doesn’t surprise me that neolibs will make you pry their bi-weekly reverse sear ribeye from their cold, dead hands.

Eating tofu leftovers today and can’t tell if I’m Covid positive or if this is truly tasteless. /s

Mapo tofu is the best tofu dish and if you don’t agree you’re wrong! image


Ehh there is a bit of the soy boy stereotype going on. My Dad literally won’t eat it because he thinks a real meal has to include real meat. I suggested a tofu stir fry once and he was not having it. Of course if i just made the stir fry and not mentioned what was in it, he probably would have ate it just fine.

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FYP. Mapo tofu is great, but there is a large class of people who disagree for understandable reasons.

Well at least in China there is usually ground pork in the sauce, but the Szechuan peppercorns are kind of a tough sell!

That’s it for me. The tofu I did eat as a kid was bland. Nothing to do with soy boys or prying bacon from my cold dead hands. The tofu dishes shared in this thread look delicious.

Grunching, but it would be very difficult to live in Japan and avoid eating tofu.

Tofu is such a dope word.

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Make mappo tofu with shiitakes instead of pork, its still real good.

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When tofu gets played out, what do people have to say about tempeh?

Tempeh bacon is great! I have it on my go to vegan burger and it really adds a nice dimension to it. I’d definitely order a beef burger with tempeh bacon on it if there existed a restaurant that offered that option.

Definitely planning to try adding it here and there.

Just had mapo tofu from a really good Szechuan restaurant.

Didn’t like it.